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need help with 23* JC chip


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New Member
Apr 11, 2002
I just put in a JC 23* alchy street chip. I set the BSTC back to 15 lbs. and raised the fp by a lb. to be safe. Alchy turns on at 10 lbs. and is set to 8 i think. Should I start tuning without the alchy first and see where the max boost is without knock even though the chip is programmed for alchy? I know for a fact that the car knocks when i get on boost at partial to half throttle no alchy spraying(knocked real early too like 5 lbs.). Is that normal with a chip that has that much timing for the street? I plan to use this chip for street driving and the occasional street race. I'm also afraid to go WOT on a 3rd gear roll to see where the boost is at without alchy because of the timing of the chip. What do you guys recommend I start doing first?
That chip has too much timing to try and tune without alky. Set your boost to about 20lbs, have the turn on around 11-12lbs, set the pump speed pretty high and then either turn the boost up or lower the pump speed until it starts to run like a scalded dog.
If you are getting knock at 5# alky is not going to help at all, except at high boost. Either you have false knock or you need a power plate to help with the transitional knock. I think it is false because that is not THAT much timing. Race chips have 26-28* and some dont have KR that early
oops, I must have skipped over the knock at 5lbs. Yeah, you shouldn't get any knock with that chip until around 12-14 lbs of boost on 93 with no alky. You must have some sort of false knock.
maybe it was false knock. I went partial throttle again today and got no knock at 5 lbs. I have the alchy turn on at 10 lbs. i think. What fuel pressure should I have for the 50's with a 23* chip. Right now I have it set to 44 lbs. line off and was wondering if thats too much. Oh and i'm not tuning at a track. Tuning on the streets and highways.

I find when I go wot i don't get knock maybe because the car goes in PE mode and adds fuel. Just trying to get rid of partial throttle knock.
You have to ask the chip burner what he recommends for fuel pressure. What are your O2's at WOT and I would get a power plate
yeah definitely going to get a power plate after getting a accufab or pte plenum and a 62 mm throttle body