Here is what I got... = alchy information
Here are some links that might give you some ideas That is Bob Avellar's site. He has run many mixtures. that is Steve Monroe's site. He does not believe you need high pressure.
Parts Listing Courtesy Bob Avellar
SHURflo pump Model 8000
Northern Tool and Eqipment Co. Part# 2687-8216, List $100.95, discount price $69.99 (60psi @ 1.4gpm)
80-100 psi replacement pressure switch - optional
approx... $20. (raises pump pressure and is optional) Contact SHURflo for a distributor near you or Shuster Corp. 4 Wright St. New Bedford, Ma. 02741-3086 (508) 999-3261 part # 94-375-15 $19.30 + $4.80 C.O. D.
Water filter
$3.95 part# 81-0240 Carroll Supercharging Co. Inc. tel. 973/835-1705
3/8" barbed check valve
$3.50, part# 2431 Carroll Supercharging
12v Solenoid valve
$65.00, part# 359115 Carroll Supercharging
(2) Stainless Steel Nozzles
$5.95, Part # 1075 Carroll Supercharging or local plumbing supply $ 3.03 ea.
Oil burner nozzles rated in GPH and either 45 degree or 30 degree spray pattern.
$5.00, Salvage yard. I used one from a VW that is sturdy, has outlet at bottom and return at top.
windshield washer or coolant overflow tank will do
(4) 1/4" NPT x 3/8" Barbed elbows
$.50 ea. Part # L4-6BN Carroll Supercharging
3/8" Ball valve
$5.00, Home Depot
Fuel injection hoses 3/8" and 1/4"
approx. $10.00 ( lengths vary according to your arrangement of pump and tank) Approx... 8 ft. of 3/8" and 3 ft. of 1/4".
(15) (approx..) Hose clamps and assorted tees and fittings
approx.. $10.00
Hobbs pressure switches
$15.00 ea., Steve Chlupsa (adjustable 4-20psi)
(2) Relays, (30 amp)
$6.00 ea,. Radio Shack
Fuse holders, Assorted wiring
Radio Shack, lighted switch, a green and blue bulb, and connectors for attaching to relays, and switches (also need 1-3amp fuse and 2-10amp fuses) About $20.00
Outside Nozzle holders
Carroll Supercharging $10.00ea. part# 1582 (must be welded to uppipe) I had my own made from steel and TIG welded to pipe
Brass nozzle adapter
$5.20 ea. from local plumbing supply (brass- they came in 2 lengths but I think I used the short ones). Made for holding nozzles in oil burner.
3/8" X 1/4" brass bushings
$3.03 ea. From local plumbing supply. Might be to step down from 3/8" to 1/4" hose.
(2) 1/4" hose barb X M adapter
$.72 ea., local plumbing supply. ( screws into back of nozzle adapter and inside of the following adapter)
(2) 7/8". ODCOMP X 3/4M Adapter
$5.20 ea. From local plumbing supply. (These hold the brass nozzle adapters inside and the whole assembly screws into the outside nozzle holders.
...all the Flojets I've tested all run deadheaded ok. They'll run up to their individual max pressure then just sorta chug along. I can't remember the exact current draw but it was on the low side, say maybe 11 or 12.
If you want a nice pump, money no object, get the one from Carrolls Supercharging out of NJ. 973/835-1705. They call it a "high pressure water injection pump", and the only part # I could dig up is A25011. As far as I can tell, this is a custom built, older style, dual chamber Flojet. It can be ordered with any one of 5 cam drives, which increase pressure. I use the next-to-lowest pressure cam, rated for 1.66 GPM (a 1.15 is standard, a 2.35 the highest). This delivers around 85lbs at a sustained flow through four, 1.0mm nozzles, at about 8 amps.