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Mike Mags

New Member
Feb 2, 2002
I'm ready to change my exhaust, Its the stock exhaust. What has the best sound, I'm looking for a nice rumble but not loud. My other question is: What is the advantage in installing duels, Or is just the one muffler sufficient. I dont race my car , so slight performance gains aren't that important to me.
Also what are your feeling about stainless out of the muffler for a better cleaner look.
You will get a ton of opinions on this, so I will give you my experience. I have the Hooker 2.5 inch and test pipe on both my cars. I think it sounds better with the THDP on my GN. I know I've read the Hooker system is one of the more ecomical yet effective systems.

I'm sure there are people running down into the 10's with these, more than nearly anyone would need. Some people say they are prone to drone around 2000 rpm, but mine have the Aerochamber mufflers and I don't notice it. The sound is louder than stock but not too loud. And the fit was good and I was able to install it myself. Find someone with a lift :) . Good luck, you will get a lot of answers on this, you can find more on exhuast systems with a search on the board.

I know you can polish the ends of the mufflers for a better look. Someone using a single will need to give you an answer on it versus the duals. It won't look stock with the single and it will be louder.
IMO your best bet will be the Hooker 2 1/2" system with Aerochamber mufflers. I have installed these systems and they sound and fit great. The system is not loud and, IMO does not drone. You can't beat it for the $$$. Less than $300.00 to the door. (Summit or Jeg's) You should not pay more that $75.00-$100.00 to have this system installed. It is very easy to install.
Here's my opinion...

Go with the Hooker system from Jegs or Summit. Costs less than $300 delivered to your door. I installed it myself laying on the ground in my garage. It was a bit of a pain, but isn't everything when you do the work yourself without the right equipment. In the end, it was worth it. I think I did a better job than a muffler shop would have done because I took my time.

I've had the stock exhaust, a Borla exhaust (i.e. Borla mufflers on the stock Y-pipe), a BGC 2.75" exhaust with ultraflow muffs and now the Hooker. The Hooker with the Aerochambers is very quiet...almost as quiet as stock. I removed the BGC exhaust with the ultraflow because it was too loud for my tastes. I had it on the car for like 6 years/45k miles. It's not stainless, but when I removed it, it was still solid...just some surface rust. I expect the same from the Hooker. I don't regret getting the Hooker even though my BGC exhaust was fine. It was just too loud. I also don't notice any real drone with the Hooker and least not compared to the BGC with ultraflows.

No comment on stainless. If you want to spend the extra $, go for it. I just don't necessarily think it's worth it. Aluminized steel lasts pretty long too.

And finally, most of your aftermarket choices are going to come with dual muffs. I only know of the Gardner stock replacement and ATR's 3" crossflow system that come with a single muff. There may be others, I just don't know about them.