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Not a kill but a cool story


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Boost is good.
Jul 14, 2001
About a month ago I was out with my two friends on a saturday night and we decided to go to the local bowling alley to hangout and stuff. I parked my GN all the way in the back corner of the lot and parked sideways so I took up 3 spots:rolleyes: Anyways when we got back out and were about to head home for the night, I see this massive crowd of people in the parking lot with a bunch of mustangs, camaros, t/as, etc. When I was walking towards my car I see about 15 people gathered around it and all talking about it. I heard one guy say "man those cars are badass...I wonder who owns this?"

So I walked up to the crowd acting all dumb and said "WOW is that a real Grand National?" One guy was like yeah and I asked if it was anybody's here? Nobody claimed it. Well like the smartass I am, I walked up to the door and unlocked the door with my key and told my two friends to hop in. Everyone was like :eek: :confused:

I started her up and reved it a few times letting the crowd here my turbo. Then I heard one guy yell "lightum up!" and I was like ok sure. By this time the entire parking lot was gathered around (must have been about 30 people now). So I drove around to the other corner of the lot where there were no parked cars and I spooled and smoked the SH!T outta the tires and then let off and absolutely FLEW to the other end of the lot. I drove around the building back to where I was and everyone came running up to me and everyone was amazed of the car and wanted to know what was done to it.

So I came out of the car (my poor they were laughing the entire time though) and started talking with a couple guys about it. They told me to pop the hood and so I did. Soon as I popped it everyone went "oooo" and "ahhhh". One guy goes "holy sh!t! look at the size of that turbo" I laughed and said it was the stock turbo and they about fell over incredibly amazed. Most of the people there knew about the legend of the GN and how they never see one and they are incredibly fast and stuff. Even a couple of the girls there knew what it was and told me nice ride. I told everyone that my car was basically stock and just a few minor bolt-ons and that my car should be running mid to low 12's by the start of race season.

Everyone was impressed and then all of a sudden the main security guy comes out of the building and walks right over to my car. Everyone thought he was gonna tell us to leave. But then he goes "Who's Grand National is this?" And everyone looked over at me and I raised my hand. He smiled and goes "Man those cars are f*cking bad as sh!t...don't ever race one of them unless you are packing some SERIOUS power, you'll lose everytime" Everyone laughed and agreed and I just smiled and laughed.

Everyone began getting in their cars and getting ready to go home and then the security guy told me to show him what my car could do. I was like :D and proceeded to the same exact spot that I did my first burnout. I put on an even bigger smoke show than before and then flew out the parking lot and left. All in all it was a very cool night and I don't get very many nights of "fame" like that. Alot of the guys that I talked to race at my local (sort of local) track and said they look forward to seeing me this spring.

I was bored so I decided to bring back a memory. Hope you enjoyed :)
Cool story d0n_3d....

My wife drove my car the other day and was dumfounded by all the "gawkers". She said ~everyone~ was staring at her....I told it was just because she is so good looking.

Won some brownie points on that line. :)

She said my car was making a whistling noise?!?! Yeah, honey....that's the turbo. (She was very nervous driving it BTW...I needed the minivan to drive the kids) What's mine is her's...

Did you get your tps / iac struggle straightened out?

well the car idles great and iac counts are between 10-30 at idle which is good...tps was set at .42 but still can't get the WOT tps over 4.55 (currently at 4.37) but i was told that is more than enough for power enrichment mode (greater than 75% of 5.0 which is 3.75) so i am safe from what i heard
cool story...

I was once at a car show full of mostly imports. When I opened the hood there was quite a crowd that showed up looking at my car. One guy took his hands and made the size of the stock turbo with them. He walked back to his eclipse, opens the hood, puts his hands over his turbo and looks up dissapointed. He shows his hands to all his import buddies and points at his turbo then my car. They all start walking over and I just sat there and laughed!;)
I love to see the looks of the peoples faces when they are looking under a hood with a frontmount IC. There was this one guy looking under the hood of my buddies car, he would look under the hood, then go under the car, then back up the other side, then under the hood again. he repeated this like 5 times trying to follow the piping... finally shrugs his shoulders and walks away.:D
lol...where do all those pipes go to?! "i's stock man":D
Awesome Story Man!!
Hah I think the best part is how you and your friends just got right in it and everyone was confused..haha
I kinda hope to get this kind of attention...but then again that can be a bad thing you know you got a jealous thug tryin to steal your car..but hey..If security isn't an issue, bring on the attention!:D
this is funny,I get the same thing every time I go to the street races.Everybody stops to stare at me when I pull in.You should see the faces of the competition when I finish my burnouts!One time this kid was looking under my hood and said "whats this?"and proceeded to grab my 3" SS downpipe.I almost couldnt stop laughing when he started jumping around.It wasnt really funny,I mean you could hear the skin sizzle(OUCH!).But it was just such a stipid thing to do.
When I was in highschool the security at a local hangout would always bust people for doing burnouts and stupid stuff. Every time I would pull in they would say something like that car can't spin the tires. Everytime it was a massve burnout and they could never get enough. I was the only one allowed and even encouraged to do it.