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Ok where did the fluid go?


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Oct 18, 2003
Drove my car about a month ago and the brakes were fine. Fast forward to this weekend and when I went to drive the car the brake pedal went to the floor. Huh? The car was fine when I parked it. So I pull the wheels and the pads and shoes have at least 75% left. There are no leaks anywhere under the car. I look in the master (vacuum conversion) and it’s empty. Pulled the master off the booster expecting to see fluid and nothing. All clean and dry. Everything’s good from the master on out so where the hell did the fluid go?
Drove my car about a month ago and the brakes were fine. Fast forward to this weekend and when I went to drive the car the brake pedal went to the floor. Huh? The car was fine when I parked it. So I pull the wheels and the pads and shoes have at least 75% left. There are no leaks anywhere under the car. I look in the master (vacuum conversion) and it’s empty. Pulled the master off the booster expecting to see fluid and nothing. All clean and dry. Everything’s good from the master on out so where the hell did the fluid go?

Who did you make mad lately?
Take a look in the vac supply hose.
An external leak of that much fluid would certainly be visible, somewhere on the car.
Ok after pulling everything apart I can’t find where the fluid went. After refilling and bleeding the brakes work fine and the car isn’t leaking. I’m totally stumped