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Precision 9.5 vigilante non-lockup torque converter


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TBcom Admin /Prayers NYFD/NYPD
May 24, 2001
Precision Vigilante 9.5 non lockup converter.
Talked to Vicky today and it is a approximate 35-3600 stall non-lock and was built for a Turbo Buick with a 60 or so series turbo
Pics to follow.
28 lbs
Customer is going back to lock up.
The riot of this is it was in a Monte Carlo LOL
Other than that, I know of no other history on this converter. Customer just bought car and knows nothing either.
$350.00 plus shipping. Vicky says it can be restalled or gone through, if needed, rather cheaply.

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Has to go... Make offers. 9/20/11

Put me first in line.
Ill take it for if its clean and good shape.
is 300$ fair price.

Sold! Lol

$300.00 plus shipping to wherever sounds cool to me. Shoot me a phone number via email pm whatever and we will set it up. You may contact me at 916-739-0510. If voice mail, leave number, I will call you on my dime as soon as I get the message.
Thank you

Man, I missed the Europe thing. Thats going to be pricey to ship. But I am game if you are willing to tell me how you want it shipped or arrange for a pick up. I can see where the phone thing might be an issue. hehehe But I am down, Lemme know