I did some quicky blasts with the Pro-Pain today. Mostly to ensure its function and setup.
The tests were run with a FMIC, Blue Tops, and a JayC 110 Race chip. Base fuel was 2 month old Ultra 94 and the tank was at 110psi. Turbo Link 4.0 was used to monitor... well that and the helpful eyes of my girlfriend Amy.
I was also setting up a bleeder valve... didn't have to touch the WG rod.
Propane turn on point was set at 2psi... later raise to about 4psi. No noticeable stumble.
I did 3 progressive short tuning sessions with the car:
12psi w/ 81 jet
15.5psi w/ 86 jet
20psi w/ 86 jet
I am just going to focus on the third run. It was a part throttle jaunt mostly tuning to low end knock retard... aka. street driving levels. Here are the peak stats:
Coolant: 162*
O2Xcnt: 0
Volts: 13.6
Boost: 20psi (TLink shows 14.9, I never calibrated the BST Harness)
Rpm: 3700
Road Speed: Started at 10mph roll, to 40mph. (Not looking for a ticket in Rush Hour, especially w/o a hood)
MAF: 206
BLM: 120
TPS: 3.04V
02: 906mV
LV8: 255#
Retard: 13.1
INT: 128
All and all I was blown away that my engine wasn't blown up @ 20psi on a race chip on aged pump gas. Especially considering my peak boost on 110 last year was 21psi. I have since stuck in the #96 jet... but, yet to test the added flow. I feel, as Jay has suggested, that the extra timing in the 100 chip is the culprit for the retard... I may borrow a street chip from a friend to test the system with lower timing. And hopefully raise the boost. I may drill out the #70 jet to larger than the #96 if the added fuel isn't sufficient, or run a second line T'd off the main line.
FWIW, with the windows down and a tail wind... the propane smell in the exhaust is odd. I am just glad that I am not behind me when I hit the gas.

The tests were run with a FMIC, Blue Tops, and a JayC 110 Race chip. Base fuel was 2 month old Ultra 94 and the tank was at 110psi. Turbo Link 4.0 was used to monitor... well that and the helpful eyes of my girlfriend Amy.

I did 3 progressive short tuning sessions with the car:
12psi w/ 81 jet
15.5psi w/ 86 jet
20psi w/ 86 jet
I am just going to focus on the third run. It was a part throttle jaunt mostly tuning to low end knock retard... aka. street driving levels. Here are the peak stats:
Coolant: 162*
O2Xcnt: 0
Volts: 13.6
Boost: 20psi (TLink shows 14.9, I never calibrated the BST Harness)
Rpm: 3700
Road Speed: Started at 10mph roll, to 40mph. (Not looking for a ticket in Rush Hour, especially w/o a hood)
MAF: 206
BLM: 120
TPS: 3.04V
02: 906mV
LV8: 255#
Retard: 13.1
INT: 128
All and all I was blown away that my engine wasn't blown up @ 20psi on a race chip on aged pump gas. Especially considering my peak boost on 110 last year was 21psi. I have since stuck in the #96 jet... but, yet to test the added flow. I feel, as Jay has suggested, that the extra timing in the 100 chip is the culprit for the retard... I may borrow a street chip from a friend to test the system with lower timing. And hopefully raise the boost. I may drill out the #70 jet to larger than the #96 if the added fuel isn't sufficient, or run a second line T'd off the main line.
FWIW, with the windows down and a tail wind... the propane smell in the exhaust is odd. I am just glad that I am not behind me when I hit the gas.