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Propane Injection


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Black Car

Active Member
May 25, 2001
I have SMC alchy system but am interested in trying propane injection instead. I already know quite a bit about propane and have owned/installed a dual fuel (gas or propane) car.

What I am looking for is anyone with first hand knowledge on them.
Priminarly what size jets you used. What did you try, what worked and didn't work.

Gary :cool:
Black Car....

I'd say to check with Jim (BUICK528), I would think he would use this type of system on the turbo desiel trucks.

You might take a look in this thread (its quite long BTW) on the syty board. There are three or for links to sites about propane inj on turbo apps that are in there. I havent had time to look at the links myself yet but plan to do so soon. Might be some helpful info in there for ya. :cool:

From just skimming through the thread it looks like the import crowd had been tinkering with the stuff for a while (not as long as the diesel guys though). I never even thought about it till I stumbled across that thread. :confused: :D
Propane is OK for a fuel rich envirionment, especially diesels.
Second good use is in NO applications where again you can be fuel rich.

trouble is that it displaces alot of air, so you can easily go low on available O2.
A question has been emailed to me and I will answer it here so that everyone gets the info.

The propane tank used is a VAPOR tank. No liquid will ever come out of tank, just vapor. The expansion from liquid to vapor creates the cooling effect and propane leaves the bottle at down to -60 degres F. SO the benefits are two fold, low temp gas and high octane.
I ordered one today. I havn't found anything negative (on the net) about them. Everybody that has tried them has had good results.
Tapping into the Turbo Buick market, that was the last little market we have not hit yet and a VERY respected Turbo and tuning knowledgealbe pack of enthusiasts. We are very honored to have you among our customers!:D
Re: Nice lookin

Originally posted by Buick Beginner
Hey Import power - you got any times on that thing? Just curious - BB:p

No actual track times yet. We have done Gtech runs and run mid 3 second 0-60 times and 11 second 1/4's
This looks promising. What type of in-car controller (if any) comes with this system? Also, does it look like the logical place for the propane tank is in the trunk? And is there a smaller tank than the type we use for our cooking grills? Like maybe a 1/2 or 1 gal tank?