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Propane leak detection


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Active Member
May 23, 2001
Does is make sense to use something like this in conjuction with a propane kit.Not this exact one but something that does the same thing but runs on 12VDC? I'm thinking of putting it in the trunk to catch a leak before it build up,the trunk is pretty well seal off from fresh air.This would of course be mainly for us using the kit on the street(on the way to the track only of course).:D
I would look in catalogs that specialize in marine products for a 12 volt version. Lots of boats have gone kaboom over the years from fumes building up
Ok,I went back and looked closer at the page and this one does run on 12VDC and they stated some customers have run them off of Automotive batteries already.I think I am going to try this out,seems this would up the safety factor significantly.
Can someone find out how much power does this thing draws?

it may drain the battery if you leave it on all the time.

Oh, I turn off my valve everytime I park.
I would always turn off the valve when parked,what good would a detector be if you can't hear it? It would be good for giving you a heads up so you did'nt use that electric trunk pop.The current draw is very low something like 0.2 amps or something(it's on the page).I'd bet the ECM draws more for it's memory than this.
Not ot be nit picky, but 0.2 amps is a lot of amps to be pulling if you car is not running. ie: that will drain the battery quickly. Like over night. I tmight not happen righ taway, but the battery will lose its ability to hold its charge with that kind of draw on it all the time.
I had a .1 draw from my radio that took me a while to figure out. It ate my Die Hard battery in about 1 week. Ate the Optima in about 3 days. Good thing for warrantee.
I tested the draw of the my GN sitting a while back (radio disconnected) and I think I remember 0.002 amps, might have been 0.02.
Well anyways, 0.2 is way too much.
Well not over night, but if the battery has say 30 amp-hrs capacity 0.2 amps will use up all in 6.25 days (in theory)

Yes 0.2 amps is a lot when the car is not running
I'm glad you pointed out that would be too much draw,that's why I brought this to the board to try to narrow down the best unit for the job.I'm not really stuck on this particular unit,as I said before this is the first thing that popped up in a yahoo search.With more searching I'm pretty sure I could find one that runs on it's own battery power source,maybe as simple a smoke detector style with a 9 volt.Just wanted to throw this out there since I have not seen it mentioned before.
I'll just throw this one out there....

For about 25 bucks (including batteries) you can get a couple of 'd' cell battery holders from radio shack (6 volts each) and wire 'em in series for 12 volts. That should easily hold you for a few days...

Trick is using the cars electrical system to trickle charge them.

Or is that 'tickle' charge.:)