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propane nozzle relocated


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New Member
Jan 15, 2003
Just wanted everyone to know, I relocated the nozzle from 4 feet from TB, TO 9" away from the TB, and after the BOV.

The smell between shift is pretty much gone, I havn't smell anything yet. You cannot tell the car is running propane anymore.

The hesitation between shifts is also completely gone.

Just goes to show that these little details really make a huge difference.
Glad to see that suggestion worked for you. I had a feeling it would.
Regarding the above post, I assume it was a "j/k" type of post. If not, I will state that EclipseTurbo is a respected member of dsmtalk, and that most of the members over there have a great deal of respect for GN's, GNX's, T-Types and their owners.

From the very positive feedback EclipseTurbo and I have received over here despite owning DSM's (manufactured in Normal, Illinois, at least 1G) with imported engines, I think that for the most part the respect is mutual.

Both car types (Buicks and DSM's) are much smaller displacement than V8's, turbocharged, respond well to similar mods, and both can easily drop into the deep 12's or better without pulling the heads.

We have AWD DSM's in the 9's and 1 in the high 8's, , and an Outlaw RWD DSM in the 7's , and a FWD in the 9's and several in the 10's. I am sure there are some turbo Buicks in the same category. So we all have a lot in common, even if the drivetrain configuration and country of origin of some of the parts differs somewhat.

Again , I hope the above post was a j/k.

Thanks for reading this.

blown8 you're a stupid moron. stfu. i like turbo eclipses and I owna gn. so just stfu. you loook like a damn ignoramus. heres a person that wants to go fast and knows what he needs to do to get there, obviously hes not a rice boy.

Gees I hate posts like blown8 put up, and I don't much care for the postings that usally follow. Just a downward spiral....:)

I've learned that knowlege is precious, and that practically everyone has something to contribute.

Sure there is compition among us, but we keep it friendly. Heck we are not racing for freedom, and the American way-it's just fun. right?

People that are passionate and unsettled make great inovators, and our cars wouldn't get any faster without them. Sometimes, our competitive spirits get the best of us, that's just life, but remember this is fun!

Hey look back through all the postings. Remember what kind of people we are here.

Fast with class....

Everybody welcome. Everybody...

If anyone disagrees with this posting I shall squash them like the dung beetle, and sentence them to a lifetime as a wash-boy at a Ford dealership.

And I'm not kidding.....:)
Is this guy a troll or what?

The purpose of my post is to share the knowledge that I found.

If you feel the need to hate a certain type of cars, so be it.. actually you're cracking me up.
that was way out of line and there aint no room for that here unless its about mustangs.:D
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