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propane tuning tips?


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New Member
Jan 15, 2003
I finally ordered the propain kit today. In the past month I asked JayC many, many questions through e-mail and he was very quick and to the point in answering my questions!

My car is not a GN but a 2.0L Turbo DSM. I was wondering which jet should I start with..? (it's a little time consuming to remove the bumper and change the jets on my car)

Also, should I be leaning the car out when propane is injected? Right now I have to run it really rich to keep knock minimal. But with propane am I expected to be able to subtract some amount of gasoline to get a leaner but higher octane mixture?
TD05H-20G, 4x650CC injectors.

On (winterized?) 91 octane, so far at 14 PSI on pump and it has some knock. Hopefully will able to suppress the current knock plus turning up the boost 4-6 PSI.
Originally posted by EclipseTurbo

First establish a known baseline.

Then add the least amount of propane that you can while going SLIGHTLY Richer with SLIGHTLY less timing. then one at a time try more propane, less fuel more timing. all the while remembering you can easily go the wrong way. Be very conservative, and accurate. The results will reflect what is really working.
So it's not advisable to just add propane and boost, not messing with the fuel end? I was looking into this as a suppemental fuel to be able to run more boost w/o changing injecotrs (at this time). Is it "legal" to do it this way? I want to go from 15 (stock) to 20 psi on my WRX with this. Similar setup to Eclipse Turbo, with a 2.0L 4 , except I'm running a Garrett t3/t4 (believe it has a TA31 cold section) and the stock 440 cc squirters. Not meaning to hijack the thread. -Chuck
Well here is how I done mine.

After the Install I started with the 81 jet. Turned the tank pressure to regulated at 100psi. Turn on point was 13 lbs and duty cycle was at 80%. I raised my boost from 17 to 20 psi...No Nock. Went to 22psi got knock. Took the 81 out and put the 86 in. Tested the car again...22 psi no knock, 24 psi .5 knock.

Took the 86 out and put the 91 in ...24 psi and no kncok...26psi .5 knock and blew the IC hose off. I never changed my fuel pressure dor this test. I believe in running the fuel pressure by what the chip was set up for and tuning around that. My Fuel pressure is on 43psi line off and I am running the 42.5 lbs 009's injecters.

I guess I might have been doing mine wrong but hey..It works.

On the tuning part I did put a colder plug in and I played with the turn on point of the propane. Other than that is has worked great!
When I finally order my kit, I figure I'm going to just throw in the largest jet and see what I can push with boost and timing while watchin the O2's and knock.... the more propane, the more boost.... so I wanna see what I can push :D

I have a Translator + so I'll prolly leave it about 17 degrees advanced baseline and up it to 23 degrees at WOT when the propane will be introduced.... hopefully that will help spool and keep it from knocking before the propane hits at a certain PSI...
Still not sure on the jet sizes, I guess I'll go with 1 smaller than the largest. My main concern is do I need a less jet than a TN because my engine displacement is smaller? (i.e. needs less propane to fill)

I can always tune it down via pressure or solenoid duty, tho. But if I max it out I'd have to spend hours to pull the bumper again.
Sounds like you might want to get all your tuning dialed-in before putting the bumper back on.

Before adding ANY propane injection or alcohol injection system, you must have your car in top tune without the additional injection. Adding propane or alcohol to a car that isn't in top tune can mask a problem causing tuning problems later. In testing, we have seen a car with problems have the problems masked and add 10 lbs of boost with 0 knock. While it may seem to be running fine, the underlying problem should be fixed first.

EclipseTurbo wrote:
Still not sure on the jet sizes, I guess I'll go with 1 smaller than the largest. My main concern is do I need a less jet than a TN because my engine displacement is smaller? (i.e. needs less propane to fill)
Yes, the imports use smaller jets. You may want to start with 1 from smallest or middle jet. We've found the import motors like a little less than the TR's