Scanmaster installed. Drove the car around a little bit and am puzzled by the readings I got.
BLM's are 128 at idle, but when driving are no higher than about 110 (this indicates a rich condition, right?)
O2 readings are all over the place during normal driving, but when I get in it, they go sky high to about 850 (this indicates a lean condition, right?)
These two conditions have me baffled as BLM's indicate rich, but O2 indicates lean. I can only get about 9# of boost without KR. If I put my foot in it, I can get KR above 5 (easy).
Please note I have GREEN STRIPE injectors, contrary to stock as my sig would indicate. I also have an old ATR Pitbull chip with WAY too much timing.
I do have a new TurboTweak set up for 60# injectors, but I haven't put the 60# injectors in yet. Once they go in, the new chip goes in.
Should I just ignore this & not drive the car until I get the new chip & injectors in?
The car surprisingly enough runs coolant temp of 175-ish when cruising, up to about 190-is in stop & go. I thought I was running hotter than that and was thinking about an ALRADCO. In light of the lower than expected coolant temps, I'll probably hold off on the radiator till later on.
BLM's are 128 at idle, but when driving are no higher than about 110 (this indicates a rich condition, right?)
O2 readings are all over the place during normal driving, but when I get in it, they go sky high to about 850 (this indicates a lean condition, right?)
These two conditions have me baffled as BLM's indicate rich, but O2 indicates lean. I can only get about 9# of boost without KR. If I put my foot in it, I can get KR above 5 (easy).
Please note I have GREEN STRIPE injectors, contrary to stock as my sig would indicate. I also have an old ATR Pitbull chip with WAY too much timing.
I do have a new TurboTweak set up for 60# injectors, but I haven't put the 60# injectors in yet. Once they go in, the new chip goes in.
Should I just ignore this & not drive the car until I get the new chip & injectors in?
The car surprisingly enough runs coolant temp of 175-ish when cruising, up to about 190-is in stop & go. I thought I was running hotter than that and was thinking about an ALRADCO. In light of the lower than expected coolant temps, I'll probably hold off on the radiator till later on.