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Question 'bout spring loaded jet that goes inside of inlet pipe.


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New Member
Jan 29, 2002
I have an SMC kit and I was wondering what is the actual funtion of this tiny little spring and the metal that surrounds it? Is it really that important? The reason I'm asking is because I broke mine trying to install it. Will the nozzle spray way to much/ Can I just turn down the pump speed?
That's interesting. I didn't know that he was using this. An anti-siphoning device? Maybe he likes the spray pattern.

Hmmm, I think you should find out, and let us know! ;)
I assumed that it was prolly some kinda siphoning device but do you think It will function properly without it?
I don't know. Maybe somebody else has this nozzle. Did you buy it from SMC recently?

If it flows 12 ounces in 12 seconds (at full pump speed) you could try it with 3/4 pump speed. Shouldn't hurt anything...:)
Yes, I just got the kit on thursday and installed it today. I don't want to start tuning 'till I get this figured out. I'm a first time alchy user and I'm kinda scared of breakin something.
Maybe you should be plenty scared. I don't see a scan tool, or a knock detector.

Just a thought, be sure to have at least 10 gallons in the tank before you start. If you push the fuel away from the pump on launch you will have a scary moment part way throuhg first gear.

Just a reminder, and take it slowly.
Worry not my friend. I do in fact have a Scanmaster but I did not know I needed that much fuel in the tank. Just out of curiosity, what will happen in the middle of first gear?