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RaceTronix - Your Customer Service Is Seriously Lacking


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Active Member
Jan 6, 2011

I sent and email inqurining about a fuel pump that needs to be replaced on Sunday May 18th to see if it was covered with anytype of warranty. I went ahead and placed an order and paid and extra $58.00 to have it overnight on Monday May 19th before 10 AM CST. Once I placed my order I again emailed inquiring about the warranty of the part. Today May 20th I go online and use the tracking number that was emailed to me and doesnt work on the UPS website. I also went in through your website and received the same error message that the tracking number is incorrect. I found it troubling that it stated online that the order was placed Tuesday, a day later than I had placed it online. What I find more troubling is that your company only avenue to resolve customer issues is through email in which your compnay does not respond to in a timely manner. As a business owner myself I find this level of customer service unacceptable. I spend thousands of dollars a year on car parts. There are two many options out there for me to tolerate this level of customer service. I have paid almost $200.00 for a fuel pump to be overnighted and have no clue to where it is or when it will be here.

I sent and email inqurining about a fuel pump that needs to be replaced on Sunday May 18th to see if it was covered with anytype of warranty. I went ahead and placed an order and paid and extra $58.00 to have it overnight on Monday May 19th before 10 AM CST. Once I placed my order I again emailed inquiring about the warranty of the part. Today May 20th I go online and use the tracking number that was emailed to me and doesnt work on the UPS website. I also went in through your website and received the same error message that the tracking number is incorrect. I found it troubling that it stated online that the order was placed Tuesday, a day later than I had placed it online. What I find more troubling is that your company only avenue to resolve customer issues is through email in which your compnay does not respond to in a timely manner. As a business owner myself I find this level of customer service unacceptable. I spend thousands of dollars a year on car parts. There are two many options out there for me to tolerate this level of customer service. I have paid almost $200.00 for a fuel pump to be overnighted and have no clue to where it is or when it will be here.

It was a national holiday up here in Canada so EVERYBODY was closed. We responded to your issues in the early morning hours today.
Tracking numbers are not active until the package enters the UPS system. If a tracking number is generated outside of business hours or on weekends it will not show up on the UPS system until the next business day (M-F)
We should add that some people did come in on the long holiday weekend to help expedite orders because we know how customers like to be able to enjoy their cars during car season. We are sure they would have much prefered to spend time relaxing with their families and friends.
Update : I did receive email today that infromed me that Walbro will not warranty the old fuel pump but that Racetronix sometimes would . However I would have to go to another forum and send another email and inquire with another department. They are somehow not capable of transfering customer commuincation intenrally but that is another story.

If you are closed for a holiday then you should disable your overnight deleivery option or put a notice. When a customer is in your website and it gives an option for overnight deleivery and charges a premium for that option. Dont you think the customer is expecting that ? I am also told I have to wait until the end of the day to find out when I will receive a package that I ordered to arrive overnight.
Update : I did receive email today that infromed me that Walbro will not warranty the old fuel pump but that Racetronix sometimes would . However I would have to go to another forum and send another email and inquire with another department. They are somehow not capable of transfering customer commuincation intenrally but that is another story.

If you are closed for a holiday then you should disable your overnight deleivery option or put a notice. When a customer is in your website and it gives an option for overnight deleivery and charges a premium for that option. Dont you think the customer is expecting that ? I am also told I have to wait until the end of the day to find out when I will receive a package that I ordered to arrive overnight.

We do not disable a service that other customers require. We have much info on our web site but many people do not read it. Just like our e-mails, packing slips, etc. we send out with orders that are rarely read.

Many customers send everything to the sales dept for every inquiry they have. We have people here who handle different things and we do not have the time to redirect literally 100's of e-mails daily. If you want a timely response use our web-form for contact making sure that your e-mail address is correct, all fields are filled out and the proper radio button is selected. DO NOT REPLY TO THE ORDER CONFIRMATION E-MAILS OR ACCOUNT CREATION E-MAILS.

We are working on routing all e-mail via our web site b/c of this problem as well as people providing incomplete information or errors in their e-mail address, SPAM filter issues etc.

Even with this simple interface, people select the incorrect radio button based on the their type of inquiry. It is simply mind-boggling!

We do not guarantee same-day shipping on any order however; they will be given priority status. Order shipping times depend on stock levels and the amount of orders we have to process here. Mondays during car season are the busiest.

As stated above, tracking data does not become active until UPS scans the package. Customers use to complain when they did not get a tracking number within minutes of placing an order vs. a batch send at the end of the day. Now we have customers complaining that the tracking numbers do not work b/c their package has not been picked up yet / scanned.
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DMAC, you did not reply to our e-mail asking if you would still like this order to go out as of 17:50PM EST. UPS has already been here. There is 20 minutes left to get your order to the UPS depot for next-day shipping. If we do not get a reply we will cancel/ refund your order.
I can receive it by tomorrow .. but if not fill free to cancel my order !
Received refund from Racetronix .... Thanks !

I then went online and orderd a fuel pump from one of about 20 companies that sell them online and my order and over night ship date was confirmed when I placed the order. I also made sure they had a phone number if needed. The overnight shipping cost was also HALF of the cost !

I am so grateful that Al Gore invented the internet that allows us consumers so many choices , no longer do we have to settle for poor customer service !
Knowing all these vendors left and right and with all other members' experiences over the years, call before you place the order if you need it shipped that day especially if overnight. Also they are based in Canada. We have may 26th off for memorial day and they have the weekend before.

If you had called you would have realized they are closed and the order would not ship out.

Please do your homework next time.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Knowing all these vendors left and right and with all other members' experiences over the years, call before you place the order if you need it shipped that day especially if overnight. Also they are based in Canada. We have may 26th off for memorial day and they have the weekend before.

If you had called you would have realized they are closed and the order would not ship out.

Please do your homework next time.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app


I'm still waiting for a reply to the email I sent you from the "click to contact us" 6 hours before you posted the above reply.
Just wanted to throw my two cents into the website!! When your in the racetronix store online and you click on to "Contact" tab at the top it gives you a couple of options for the question you might have.
When you click on those highlighted links to send a contact
it populates an email to send "Please visit " This does not work cause the words "Please visit" are still attached. it would be better if this line would directly link you to
the Contact page that comes up on your signature right above " >CLICK TO CONTACT US<"
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