Regime Change: Tuesday

Two Lane

New Member
Feb 24, 2002
Regime Change: Tuesday?,6903,930794,00.html

NOTE: The phrase, "Regime Change", is used correctly in the above article.

However, a few days ago, Senator Kerry of Mass. aggregiously misused the same term in a petty, petulant, and personally self-serving political manner in saying "America also needs a Regime Change!" as he begins a run for the Presidency, and in the middle of Operation Iraqi Freedom!

Saddam had said the very same words only a few weeks ago!

Even with a billion bucks on hand, Kerry evidently can't buy common sense. Did he not think his use of Saddam's own language would not give encouragement to Saddam's defenders and soldiers? Bad choice of phraseology, very dangerous timing.
We should all be grateful Kerry said what he said, had he not some of us MAY have voted for him only to find out what a real a&^ he is after he got into office. Thank you Kerry.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by gnXfan
Schumck killed any chance he had. What a dope.

Your 100% correct. Kerrys an idiot, and the Democrats shouldn't even bother running for president if they keep up with this bull****!!! We don't need this crap right now with our guys fighting for there lives!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Originally posted by Gr82baGN
We should all be grateful Kerry said what he said, had he not some of us MAY have voted for him only to find out what a real a&^ he is after he got into office. Thank you Kerry.:rolleyes:

So true!
This Must Be A Great Comfort To Our Enemies Worldwide

Massachusetts Senator John Kerry may have been the first presidential candidate to publicly call for a "regime change" in Washington, but other pillars of the party have been indoctrinating the term which he now echoes, for months, research shows.

ActressSingerMotherDirectorCitizenWife Barbra Streisand Has Called For Regime Change. At a fund-raising concert for House Democrats last October, Ms. Streisand called for a "regime change" in Washington and said, "I find bringing the country to the brink of war unilaterally five weeks before an election questionable -- and very, very frightening."

Rev. Jesse Jackson: "We need a regime change in this country." [October 27, 2002]

Louis Farrakhan: "I am crying out to the American people to rise up because your president is the world's threat to peace. When you talk about a regime change in Iraq if this man continues like this there must be a regime change in America. Our president is drunk with the power of the United States of America." [October 9, 2002]

Rep. John Conyers (D-MI): "We need a regime change in the United States." [March 16, 2003]

Former LBJ Attorney General Ramsey: "Regime change! George Bush has to go and we have the power to do it. The officials of the government shall be removed from office for crimes and misdemeanor; their crime against peace, and for use of torture in Iraq." [March 31, 2003]

Michael Moore: "The regime change ought to begin at home." [Nov. 10, 2002]

Actress Susan Sarandon: "I'd like a regime change in the United States, but I would really resent Iraq coming in, throwing out Bush and then telling us who to have." [Jan. 3, 2003]

Equating the American presidency to a dictatorial regime is a desperately outrageous & insanely inaccurate juxtaposition of reality. Very similar to the news from the Iraqi (Dis)Information Minister, you just wonder what cartoon planet they live on.

All of the above has got to be very cheerful & encouraging news to Bin Laden, Al-Queda, North Korea, China, Putin, France, etcetera.
With all the whining over the word "Regime" let us engauge in a little enlightenment for those interested. The word "Regime" as taken from "Merriam-Webster" current edition.

"Main Entry: re·gime
Variant(s): also ré·gime /rA-'zhEm, ri- also ri-'jEm/
Function: noun
Etymology: French régime, from Latin regimin-, regimen
Date: 1776
1 a : REGIMEN 1 b : a regular pattern of occurrence or action (as of seasonal rainfall) c : the characteristic behavior or orderly procedure of a natural phenomenon or process
2 a : mode of rule or management b : a form of government <a socialist regime> c : a government in power <predicted that the new regime would fall> d : a period of rule"

It seems the reason you all feel so threaten by this word is by association to our own...<gasp> current form of government in power... geez grow up. Its a valid term.
I don't feel threatend and I don't feel I'm whining. I'm just sharing how I feel with fellow board members. It's one of the reasons I like coming to the board. Technical and social sharing.
Maybe according to webster it is a non threatening term but to the common citizen today it means something else and Kerry knows that too.

SFC Thomas Chapman
US Army
It seems the reason you all feel so threaten by this word is by association to our own...<gasp> current form of government in power... geez grow up. Its a valid term.

I don't think ANY OF US are threatened by John Kerry's use of the word regime to describe the Bush Administration. Words have a dictionary meaning and then they have stigmas and connotations that they carry.

Regime is a "form of governement" like "Drunks" is a word that means "alcoholics". A comedian can get away with calling people drunks or asking for "Regime change", but unless he has a lot of other attributes, a politician cannot.

Kerry's Presidential aspirations are surely threatened by his attempts at humor. His own Democrat party will use this against him in the primaries (similar to Al Gore using Willy Horton against Dukakis in 1988)

I'll even go so far as quote Anne Richards, "stick a fork in him, he is done"

Does Kerry owe you money or something, Rollin. This seems to get to you for some unknown reason.
Well .... I support the president. I also try to be tolernt of protesters (they have their right to)

I read a quote from Teddy Roosevelt, and it went something like "if someone would say you could not oppose the president not only is that unconstitutional but treasonous"

.......After reading that it got me thinking. The president is making tough desicions right now so that people can disagree with him. Thru these hard times we should support the president and one nation..... but we shouldnt be forced to.