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Ricer for Lunch


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The Video Guy
Mar 26, 2002
Yesterday was a beautiful day here in Connecticut, So I was driving along RT8 enjoying THE BLACK which is what I call my 87 GN, When all of a sudden this little red import comes right up behind me and begins to challenge me, Now normally I just egnor those little guys... But this guy just would not leave me alone, So I did what most GN owners would do... I tought him a lesson in speed!! Now don`t get me wrong that little thing was ZOOOOMing, He must of had his whole life savings in that car.
I believe it was one of those VTEC cars Acura or something... Anyway, As you might imagine he was definately no match for THE BLACK...!!! Lets just say... He won`t be testing anymore GNs in the near future.!! TEHE.... Another one bites the dust.
Originally posted by lalonde441
ricers.....when will they ever learn.:confused:

Some have been sufficiently educated, it seems.

Last night I rolled up on a fart-mufflered Civic. Tint, rubber band tires, etc. He was giving a Jetta next to him some crap. He checked the rear view, then did a double take, and pulled over to let me by. I was shocked.

Originally posted by turbojimmy
Some have been sufficiently educated, it seems.

Last night I rolled up on a fart-mufflered Civic. Tint, rubber band tires, etc. He was giving a Jetta next to him some crap. He checked the rear view, then did a double take, and pulled over to let me by. I was shocked.

As Vader once said: I find your lack of faith disturbing. And we know what happened next.

Something similar probably happened to that ricer.
Originally posted by turbojimmy

Some have been sufficiently educated, it seems.

Last night I rolled up on a fart-mufflered Civic. Tint, rubber band tires, etc. He was giving a Jetta next to him some crap. He checked the rear view, then did a double take, and pulled over to let me by. I was shocked.


That is sooooo sweet. ;)