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Shifter cable replacement


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Mar 16, 2004
Well I pulled into Wawa Sat. night and put the Monte in park and there went the shifter cable. Yesturday I got the old cable out and found where it broke in half, now the problem is getting the new one and putting it back in. They apparently have the replacement cables in stock at Auto Zone but when I went up there it was the wrong one. Where the cable is clipped to the bracket that bolts to the trans it was to small. I will be getting the new cable hopefully today but now the second issue is installing it. How the heck are you supposed to get the new cable through that rubber groment that seals off your interior from under the car? Are you supposed to push the part that connects to the shifter up from the bottom? Somebody told me the new GM shifter cables come with a new gromet but i can't figure out how to get it out. I got the console out and it is a real pain to see the penetration where the cable comes into the car because its under the carpet about 3-4 inches. I actually had to make a 2" relief cut in the carpet to get my hand in there where I could feel the hole. When I finally get the "right part" am I supposed to push it through that gromet and then silicone around it after it is installed? Im just a little sketchy about forcing the new cable through there in fear of damaging the gromet. If I damage it, it looks like there is no way to get to it without pulling up the carpet. Anyone ever do this job before? What is the trick to getting to this floorboard penetration? I didn't want to cut this small section out of the carpet but there seriously is no way to get to that gromet. And with the center console reinstalled you will never see it anyway. Thanks for the help guys!
I just replaced mine in the GN recently. The hole you are referring to that was too small was also too small when I went to replace the cable. I just drilled it out to the same size as the cable I took out. I slid that end down through the hole and to the tranny. I took my console completely apart to do this. I also took a screwdriver and pried the hole open a little further to allow more room. It really wasn't a bad job once you get through it. It just seems scary if it's your first time.