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SMC alky kit


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New Member
Jul 12, 2003
I just finished installing a newly purchased used SMC kit off of E-bay. It was apparently only used for 1500 miles (so the add stated). Steve at SMC was gracious enough to send me instructions as I was anxious to get it installed for this weekend's fun at the track. After all said and done, the kit was installed and all I get is the selenoid click. The pump appears to be dead. I checked all voltages, and everything seems to work great, other than the pump. I've read a few other posts about weak or faulty pumps, but the guy I bought it from swore that it was low miles, well maintained (even sent me the pump oil). Anyone else have problems such as this and if so how did you go about having it resolved? Thanks.
Was the pump stored for a while? If so was the resevoir kept full of alky so that pump would not dry out?

I too bought a used smc kit. The seller told me to make sure that I filled the bottle with alky so that the pump did not dry out. He did tell me that if the pump were allowed to dry out it would most likely fail.

Perhaps that happened?

Send it to SMC?
Yeah, I'm not sure how long it sat dry before he sent it to me, that's the most likely problem. I was able to pull the pump out and it's dead. I got it to click a little but it doesn't budge. Is it just me, or is it kinda weak to have a pump that has to be submerged in alky it's entire life if you want it to last? Does the DIY kit have this problem as well?
Also, if anyone knows the type of pump it is I might be able to pick it up at a local parts store.
Most if not all fuel pumps have this problem.

Got a dead less than two year old Walbro 340 just took out of a nice gas tank I am using.

Ran dry and locked up. The corrode when the oxygen hits them, work fine when submerged.
I've heard this story before. Seems like buying one of these SMC kits "used", is not a good idea. Look, if you wanna cheap out, just do a brand new DIY kit for $150. :cool:
I'm not one to cheap out, I just don't want to turn a good deal on a used kit into a pain in the arse. I spoke with Steve and the person who sold it to me. I'm upgrading the tank and pump and the seller is going to pay half the cost. I'm happy with that. Thanks for the help.
To answer the pump question, no the shureflow doesnt have this issue.

Sorry you got a bum deal.. looks like you saved face..

Maybe a good idea to run oil into the pump if your going to let it sit, like ATF or mystery oil. Not knowing the manufacturer of the pump, have zero clue what they would recommend for storage.
I didn't decide to let the pump sit, the seller did. He was running oil in it, and I suggest to anyone that pulls one out to try your best to lubricate it well for storage.
Pump storage

Razor is correct-
Just like any fuel injection pump, it cannot be stored dry. This is one of the conditions of using a high pressure, compact, in-tank pump. Also the new pumps (in rectangular tanks) are way more HD than the ones in the round tank, and alot less prone to dry out. You take your chances on a used kit that has been "stored" most cases it may need upgrades or repair of some sort.
Yeah, and that's why there should be an upgraded pump/tank coming from you guys at SMC to me this week (hopefully shipped yesterday).
Steve, is there a recommended way to store the tank when prolonged storage is required? Becuase denatured will eventually evaporate... I know it needs lube, just didnt know what would be the best way.

Possibly fill the bottom of the container and have it spray a thin oil like marvel mystery oil straight no denautured..that way the pump has pure oil? maybe a good post for those searching pump storage. and let the pump sit in oil after that. When they get ready to use it again, pour the mytery oil out and replace with denatured?
Pump storage

The alky/Uplon will easily last a through winter storage. It can't hurt to occasionally start the car and use the test button to run the pump a second or so.
Was happy to find my bottle/pump on my doorstep Friday (Thanks Steve!) and installed it. No KR at 15# now. Tried running the pump speed setting at 5 and had one nasty backfire when the alky kicked in blowing off my IC/Intake pipe. Not cool. All is well and the kit works great around 4. Opened the wastegate up more and more and only had some KR around 21# (creeped up on me). Going to run a compression check and then going to set the boost aroun 18-19. I have a Bulldog chip and from what I've heard they run too much timing so I'm having to back down on boost. Other than a brand new pump, and adj. pres.reg. the fuel system is still bone stock. Going to some 50's soon with a Reds (hopefully) 93 chip to get ready for the bigger turbo. Any tips?