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SMC kit stopped working...


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John 15:17
Nov 12, 2001
Well, after about a year and a half, my SMC kit has stopped working.

I fixed my adj wg and I went out for a test run, at about 15lbs I heard some rumbling and when I got to 25lbs, all hell was breaking loose.

The "spray on" light is coming on at 8lbs, just like it always has. I can hear the little SMC control box make a "whirring" sound when I hit the test button, but no alchy sprays. My tank is full. I do not have any leaks in the hose or tank.

My mix is 1/2 alchohol, 1/2 distilled water, and a few squirts of WD-40, to lube the pump.

Can I test the pump wires that are on top of the tank with a volt/ohm meter or anything?

Sound like the pump is shot?

Forget that noise...:mad:

How long are these things supposed to last?

I was supposed to whip up on some WS6 booty this weekend! Now I have to wait...:mad:

I guess the good news is I might as well upgrade to a bigger tank. I am going to try to use a fake battery.

Are the pumps easy enough to replace? Just pull it out and drop one in? Wonder how much they cost?

Guess I gotta give Steve a call and hope he answers the phone...;)
I have no problem with DIY. My wife was pregant with twins and I had to DIY for months.

Oh, you mean the alchy kit. ;)

I usually do most things myself, leather seats, turbo, and GNX dash come to mind. But this was something I wanted to "invest" in.

Anywho, I called Steve and he is going to replace the pump for free. I am also planning on some upgrades. You should see all the stuff they got out now:
Try this, using a voltmeter, probe the wires on top of the pump itself and assure your getting +12 and a ground when you have someone push down the button. I have seen already on multiple occassions where the problem lies in the brass jack connector on top of the bottle...

Problem is alky since its corrossive, gets under the epoxy under the jack and rots the connections..especially since power is being applied through this connection, it rusts/oxidizes the tin terminals within the connector. two of my buddies cars I drilled rite through the connector and ran the wires to the pump placing the connector 8 inches away from the tank. Zero problems after that.

Guess you know why the new kits have the connections away from the bottle.

If you ever change your mind, this is another option

Just an FYI
Cool, thanks.

I will try that.

Steve said he would replace the motor for free.:D

Prolly upgrade to the latest/greatest...
Repair Issues-SMC

Man...what'd I ever do to Red Regal T?????

The SMC kit is still the easiest to install/troubleshoot/use of anything out there. If there is any trouble, it's pretty easy to diagnose with the pressure guage..........or a call or email to SMC.

And you're right...the Shurflo pumps are NOT rated for flammable liquids- (been there - done that) in the beginning when they refused to sell to me!!! And I'll bet you the pressure connections are PLASTIC and the hoses to the nozzle are RUBBER with cheesy clamps. Hmmmmmmmm......not great with alcohol.....
Re: Repair Issues-SMC

Originally posted by SMC
! And I'll bet you the pressure connections are PLASTIC and the hoses to the nozzle are RUBBER with cheesy clamps. Hmmmmmmmm......not great with alcohol.....

No rubber hoses on my system using the shureflow. They sell adapters to convert pipe to AN fittings. And there have been virtually no problems here on the board using it as a pump...dont believe me..ask Red Regal T :)
I call it the way I see it. I've had no problem with my DIY kit ever. My kit costs $175. I should recommend guys on the board go out and spend $400? I don't think so. Certainly not with all the negative posts I've read. If they choose to spend more money for whatever reason, that's OK. There's always guys who feel they can't do something or don't have time or whatever excuse they can come up with. I think the reason you don't hear more about diy is because they don't have any problems or they can fix it themselves. I also was surprised so many people were totally unaware of the diy kit even though Steve Monroe's site has been there for years. Well, I've been making sure that won't happen anymore. I like to see guys go fast and save a buck too.

And this bull about flammable liquids (reaching for straws :rolleyes: )........last time I heard, alcohol is flammable.....gasoline, too. I didn't hear about anybody's car burning down and even if I did, then just don't race your car. :rolleyes:
The only reason I run braided is due to the fact I can run 150 PSI..I dont trust rubber at those pressures.. not that it doesnt personally..150 PSI..I go teflon braided.
SMC reply

Good point on the alternator thing.....It'd be wise to add a rubber cover over the steel braided line if it is run anywhere near the rear of the alternator. As for my lines-teflon lined braided stainless with the ends factory crimped- good to 3000 psi.

Razor: (Julio)
Glad you use no rubber pressure lines- wise move. But the shurflo pump housing and diaphragm are plastic and rubber....but to their credit many seem to run this pump with no trouble. It does pull alot of amps and it is a hog size wise!

Red Regal:
Sure you're gonna hear of occasional problems with a kit-especially with 500 or so out there!!!! But most of my customers feel it was the best mod they ever did to their car. They also know I'll be there if they need any help or service.

As for cost- many of the units I compete with in the whole marketplace are more $$$ for way less features-and when you even see the "boost variable" pump speed option the costs are double what I get.......I get the $$$ cause it's a serious kit. I have more work than I and my full time guy (for 3 yrs now) can handle. We haven't even scratched the surface of the market so far. So it's all good. I'll even try to help the DIY's build a safe, decent system when I can. All parts of the SMC kit are available individually to fit in with whatever your making. I'd rather see someone with a DIY kit than nothing at all.....but for those who want a preassembled modular system with minimum hassle and all the features- SMC has your kit.

Those are some good ET's on street tires for the mods your car has. My test mule had the same mods (cept for my Blue Tops & no 62mm TB). Best times with ET Streets were 11.66@115. (1.70 60 foot) Pump gas & alky.-24 psi. Was very lean and too muck knock- but the car NEVER popped a head gasket.

So everyone enjoy whatever type of system you have and spread the word on the wonders of Alky!