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SMC question


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Mar 11, 2002
Does the test button(or purge button) "over-ride" the pump speed control. I was testing my kit with the alc. line off, and while holding in the test button tried turning the pump speed up and down. I didn't notice a change in the amount of alc. coming out. Also, if pump is bad will it just stop working or will it slowly decrease in pressure?
Originally posted by TKGN1
if pump is bad will it just stop working or will it slowly decrease in pressure?

My guess it will die suddenly at 24lbs of boost. :eek:
Probably best to email Steve...

I *believe* that the SMC kit varies pump speed by resistance. So pump speed 10 is full ground. The test button probably goes full ground and thus only one speed. My best guess :)

No resistance..pulse width..

The test button applies full power to the pump.