I'd posted before about my SMC kit's "spray on" light not coming on. I re-did the ground wire under the hood, and what do you know, it works now. The problem is that now the light comes on under almost no boost, and won't turn off after the fact. I know the kit is working, I ran 19+psi with no knock (slowly building up to there of course). What a rush! It's just that I'd like the light to work as well. I re-tightened the allen bolt under the pressure gauge (the one that effects the spray-on light). Maybe I should tighten it more?
Just got to work and forgot to email Steve from home this morning. His site says SChlupsa@KIH.net is the addy, but that doesn't sound like the one I've seen before. Anybody have another addy to reach him? Thanks!! I'm excited to get this thing working 100%.
I'd posted before about my SMC kit's "spray on" light not coming on. I re-did the ground wire under the hood, and what do you know, it works now. The problem is that now the light comes on under almost no boost, and won't turn off after the fact. I know the kit is working, I ran 19+psi with no knock (slowly building up to there of course). What a rush! It's just that I'd like the light to work as well. I re-tightened the allen bolt under the pressure gauge (the one that effects the spray-on light). Maybe I should tighten it more?
Just got to work and forgot to email Steve from home this morning. His site says SChlupsa@KIH.net is the addy, but that doesn't sound like the one I've seen before. Anybody have another addy to reach him? Thanks!! I'm excited to get this thing working 100%.