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SMC-Spray on light not working


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Jul 16, 2002
Does the spray on light suppose to come on when you use the test button? My light doesn't come on. It's also not coming during boost either. Have it set to come on around 11-12 psi boost. I can boost up to 18 psi and no light will come on. I know it is spraying alky during my test button hits because the car bogs down and I'm pretty sure its working during boost because I can't run 18-20 psi on pump gas. I want to try and find out when exactly I have the alky coming on at but I can't if the light isn't working. Any ideas what could be causing the light to not work? Thanks

If it's a new kit send it back to Steve for a warranty repair.

If it's an old one take the cover off of the controller and look at the wiring to the LED lamp to see if it is a broken connection.

If you can't solder or check it carefully send it back to Steve.

LED should come on in both pump running cases you mentioned.
When I first tried the test button the light worked. Also when I went out for my first few test runs after the install the light worked. Then it all of sudden just stopped working. Gonna make sure the wire connectors are connected good first. If it still doesn't work, I guess I'll call Steve. BTW, it is one of Steve's new kits.
