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Sprained ankle.. or any other joint


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Active Member
Sep 12, 2004
Any of you guys have experience with a real bad sprain?

Feb. of 1997 I was playing soccer senior year on the HS soccer team. I went to take control of a ball and as I ran, I managed to instead of kick the ball, step on the ball and my foot rolled right off and my cleats stuck. I rolled my foot outward and immediately heard a loud pop. The pain was unbelievable. Ive fractured 4 vertebrae in my back, fractured my humerous (sp?), recieved 15 stitches in my knee due to just a pure blunt force splitting it open.. and NONE of those injuries were even like 1/10th the pain I felt that day.

I went to the hospital and they said I would be walking in a few days. Instead, I was on crutches for a month and barely could walk when I got off of them. I went to some physical therapy where they really made it sound like not much was wrong. I would get some ultrasound therapy, and massage and that was about it. It didnt seem to be doing much.

I got into cycling, and that really seemed to help rehab it. I always felt an instability though, like the foot wasnt really being held in place securely.

Ever since then my ankle makes a clicking sound when I run and it flares up now and then.

It is now almost 10 years later and its still bothering me. I have started cranking up the intensity in my cycling training, hitting the hills and mountains around here and right now my ankle is hurting.

It hurts right infront of where the achillies tendon is, looking online, there appears to be a ligament there "post talotibial ligament" and a couple others that seem to attach to it that might be the cause of my pain. I was also reading that I could be causing myself osteoarthritis. That would really suck.

any of you guys have experience in this? any doc's in the house? I never really complained to the doc because It would come and go and I figured it wasnt that serious. But thinking about it now that its bothering me that it might be.
Sounds just like what I did ,light snow storm so I was runnning into a building and stepped into a pot hole in the street and my ankle caved in ,that was 4 yrs ago ,still to this day my ankle is weak if I step on it wrong ,or a crack in the side walk wrong,it wants to fold over ,they say my ligament is stretched ,or was it the tendon that was stretched,,not sure which or what to do about it....yes very painful
have the same thing, doc told me it was tendonitis, actually tore achillies twice after that.

I am dealing with two broken posterior ribs and three anterior upper right broken ribs. Talk about friggin hurt!!! Can't breath in full and trying to get comfortable to sleep sucks. I pray I do not sneeze or hiccup as this allows me to see that new planet just past Pluto, LOLOLOL :biggrin:

BUT...I AM STILL WORKING!!!. Hurting, but working.

i know that feeling, ahad a kidney removed last year its still uncomfortable for me to lay down and sleep.
I know what you mean. I hyper-extended the medial ligament in my left knee 11 years ago. Cycling helped rehab, but it still goes nuts every few years. Feels like I have no control and my knee collapses while running or skating. Lifting weights (not heavy) seems to have helped the most when combined with range of motion excercises and stretching.
I can relate to the broken ribs also. Broke my left sholder and a couple of ribs in a car wreck 2 1/2 years ago. Major PIA when the sholder starts acting up. Can't sleep, limited range of motion, weak left arm, thank god for good pain pills. The pain lasts a couple of days, then fine for weeks. I haven't found anything to help this since I can't figure out what I did to make it hurt.
Get on eBay and find one of these books: DMSO by Barry Tarshis / The Persecuted Drug by Pat McGrady Sr / DMSO- Nature's Healer by Dr Morton Walker. Dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO) is byproduct of wood and has been used for years by most athletic organizations(college and pro) for sprains, contusions, etc. It stimulates blood flow, reduces swelling, relieves pain, increases flexibility, promotes healing..well: do a search, or read one of those books. If you use the stuff correctly- it'll do wonders for you. It has for me, both my kids and a number of friends over the years ;) .
Well im glad (errr... not glad) to hear im not the only one dealing with some persistent injury. It seems to be getting better again. I think it just doesnt like a shock of training, I did a 12 mile climb to 4000 ft on saturday and I think that flared it up

Rodman, I will look into it, thanks for the tip
Once you do the research: here's an inexpensive source- Rhonda Heady(800) 667-0769. She's in Arizona. I found her on eBay. Get better fast ;) !
I recently had a severe sprain along with a fractured ankle. Rolled inwards. I'm kinda early in the game though..............happened just before this New Years Eve. Still doesn't feel right yet. Ankle feels good, just my foot feels stiff and sore from about the middle of my foot to my toes. I feel it when I push off the ball of my foot when walking and especially running.

I assume its just gonna take time to feel close to normal.
I rolled my ankle over 50 times to the point where it didnt hurt that bad to dislocate. I ended up rolling it hard on some ice and went to have it looked at. If you have rolled your ankle to the point where your foot is 90 degrees where it should be you have streched the ligamnets. There is only two ways to go about it. One if you have injured it only once or twice they can go in with a probe 1/4" cut and touch the ligament and the probe gets hot and the ligament acts like shrick wrap. The second is for the more serious or mulitple injuries like I had. They cut me open and the ligament is two cords with webbing inbetween them. I had one cord broken and alot of holes in the webbing. They installed a anchoring pin in the bone,put the two cords together and pulled them tight using the anchoring pin.

After rehab I wish I didnt have it done. It felt really weak and seemed like now that the joint was tight again but didnt fit right,round hole square peg. After one year I an completely Ok and fell great. The only down side you will have either way is arthritis. Your ligaments will never pull back tight once streched excessively......Hope this helps and by the way first injury till surgury was ten years :eek:
I'm going through my third knee operation in the last 7 months!

In october I blew my right knee out playing footall. Ruptured my acl, tore my lcl, tore the fibular head ligament and the miniscus ripped off and locked my knee up.

I havnt been able to straighten it and I can only bend it about 70 degrees. So my back is all screwed up from walking funny.

I have to be in a motion machine for 12 hours a day for two weeks and then a cast for a week and then extreme therapy afterwards. No fun at all, it summer, I'm 21 and bed ridden for months :mad:
I've had plantar fasciitis since February. It means sore heel in reality. I don't think there is a cure. Xray shows no bone spur or damage. Feels like someone hits the heel with a ball peen hammer upon my first step after I've been off it for even 10 minutes. Getting out of bed in the morning is real fun too. Something about a ligament is tearing and re-tearing from my heel to the ball of my foot. It sucks. I can't run anymore in any manner. I will check out that DMSO. Can't make it worse.
John Larkin said:
I've had plantar fasciitis since February. It means sore heel in reality. I don't think there is a cure. Xray shows no bone spur or damage. Feels like someone hits the heel with a ball peen hammer upon my first step after I've been off it for even 10 minutes. Getting out of bed in the morning is real fun too. Something about a ligament is tearing and re-tearing from my heel to the ball of my foot. It sucks. I can't run anymore in any manner. I will check out that DMSO. Can't make it worse.
Here's a site that lists a number of things to do for this condition(
. DMSO is mentioned as giving dramatic results in about ten minutes(but not much else is said about it). DMSO is a potent healing, anti-inflammatory and pain relieving agent. I'm certain that if you try it- you will have no regrets. The books that I mentioned earlier in this thread are REALLY inexpensive on eBay, and will give you a great deal of insight on DMSO's uses and benefits.
My dr told me I had Planter Ficitis,what he told me was to stand on a stair,or curb,and stretch with your tipy toes :wink: on the edge of the curb or stair,I used a ladder since I am always on one,and my feet /heel are better...try that for a few days..
just rolled my ankle last sunday and the doc told me it would be cool in like 3 days so they gave me those days off at work well went back a week later the folowing sunday and it swelled up like a grape fruit halfway through the day and i still can hardly walk on it ive broken both arms and both feet but nothing hurt like this and never this long im shure hoping it gets beter soon but im starting to think im gonna have long term problems like some of u guys

this post made me laugh when i saw it perfect timing as i just did this to my ankle like 9 days ago