Stupid Picture and Video Friday .....................................

Wow--one of your best posts yet.I think the kid in the c6 is going to score!!!


Those are the kinda dreams I had when I was in school. :p That kid was sportin' the C6.


The plane was landing in Hong Kong Int'l. I've seen that vid before. I have a few other vids similar to that. Kinda crazy, some of the landings they pull off, and the few they don't.


The motorcycle was funny. I woulda done the same thing. Next time, walk the dog yourself!
I thought I was the man slipping my Cessna into the wind for a landing, I can only imagine what the wind would have to be like to have to slip a 747 like that.:eek:
That landing was outstanding!!

I read/heard that a 747 can actually have the landing gear wheels point in the direction of the slip ( I am no pilot so I don't know if that is the correct term) so the wheels will be straight and the plane can land crooked, kinda like a monster truck
As a pilot, and having seen that vid before, I would not go as far as to say he was "slipping" because of strong winds to get to the runway, he had "adjust" because he had lined up on the wrong runway and decided to attempt to make the landing to the correct one....vice waving off and going around like a SAFE pilot would have.....having flown the P-3 for 4 years, I know what a small deflection of rudder feels like in the back of the plane, I can not imagine what it must feel like in the back of a 747.
stupid EDIT timelimit!!!!

As far as the gear turning to maintain straight in relation to the runway, while the plane is still "cocked" into the wind, that happens when the plane touches down, but they are still straight (aligned with the fuselage) while in the air. The B-52 can do this as well.

Just so we are getting all the terms correct.

A SLIP is a manuever where you put the wing down (into the wind) and use opposite rudder to maintain a straight path

most larger aircraft will not slip the aircraft to a landing when there is a large crosswind, they will do the following....

A CRAB is when you point the nose of the aircraft into the wind and fly diagonally in relation to the ground. ALL aircraft do this at altitude to maintain the desired TRACK (movement over the ground). So the aircrafts HEADING is not the direction it is actually flying.

Most large aircraft will CRAB into the wind on final approach to maintain centerline, and then "kick" the rudder at the last second prior to touchdown so that they dont rip the gear off. But as I mentioned, some of the largest planes do not kick the rudder due to the large aerodynamic forces imposed by the huge tail. Which is what this video is showing, a large aircraft kicking rudder at the last second......

Flight school lesson #1 complete.... :)
Thanks for the Vette commercial link. I've read about it but not been able to see.

747 pilot made a smooth recovery, regardless of the reason for the abrupt change in final.
Re: stupid EDIT timelimit!!!!

Originally posted by TylerDurden
As far as the gear turning to maintain straight in relation to the runway, while the plane is still "cocked" into the wind, that happens when the plane touches down, but they are still straight (aligned with the fuselage) while in the air. The B-52 can do this as well.

Just so we are getting all the terms correct.

A SLIP is a manuever where you put the wing down (into the wind) and use opposite rudder to maintain a straight path

most larger aircraft will not slip the aircraft to a landing when there is a large crosswind, they will do the following....

A CRAB is when you point the nose of the aircraft into the wind and fly diagonally in relation to the ground. ALL aircraft do this at altitude to maintain the desired TRACK (movement over the ground). So the aircrafts HEADING is not the direction it is actually flying.

Most large aircraft will CRAB into the wind on final approach to maintain centerline, and then "kick" the rudder at the last second prior to touchdown so that they dont rip the gear off. But as I mentioned, some of the largest planes do not kick the rudder due to the large aerodynamic forces imposed by the huge tail. Which is what this video is showing, a large aircraft kicking rudder at the last second......

Flight school lesson #1 complete.... :)

Thanks for the lesson, I'm gonna try that with the Buick. :eek:

I agree with you though, this pilot definately should have waved off that landing. There was a lot of laundry done on that landing! Shorts cleaned, seats/floors steamed clean from passengers puking and pooping. Perhaps even a blood spot here or there. :p
I assumed that he was correcting for wind because of the title of the link and because he was at the coast where the winds are frequently high. It is scary to think that a pilot of a 747 presumably carrying passengers would take such a risk to avoid going around. In my little Cessna, you can side slip by banking into the wind and using opposite rudder to stay aligned with the runway. I guess that only works in a small plane, and with passengers that can stomach landing one wheel at a time.:D
Ok, last post I promise. Tyler, I think you are right. After watching the video MANY more times you can see the windsock is indicating a direct crosswind, but it isn't even straight out.
good call on the wind sock, i never noticed it before, and like you said, yes it was a X-wind but not that bad....earlier this week i was doing touch and go's with a 20kt cross wind on a sidewalk of a runway...not fun...

also if you notice, there are no windows on this aircraft, it wasnt a passenger plane, it was a frieght carrying aircraft.....
Here is a site with more aviation videos. Navigate your way to the accident and dangerous section. Some wild video there.

Unfortunately this site downloads slowly.

I also saw the windsock. Good call. This was a cargo flight for Korean Airlines.
Because the plane was Korean Air, I'd bet money the Pilot lined up on the wrong runway and the rest of the crew watched him do it and didn't say anything.

That Clown in the Honda needs to go to the track. The time clock on the video showed the race lasting longer than 14 seconds, and they didn't seem to going all that fast (and he was still losing).
Originally posted by ghall
Wow--one of your best posts yet.I think the kid in the c6 is going to score!!!



I had some more Videos to post, (Turbo Saturn) beating up some fast street cars :eek: and a go-kart with a turboed 1,175cc Kawasaki M/C about smoking the tires at 70mph.... but they weren't working Friday :( . The plane landing was done on purpose to scare the boats in the harbor ;)
