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Suggestions on alchy reservoirs available


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Active Member
May 25, 2001
I need to find out all the possibilities for a reservoir. Not sure I want to use overflow so looking for something like 1 gal plastic tank to mount where charcoal canister is? No trunk mount.
What are all the possibilities? I also want to add a level switch.
Lets hear it folks. Thanks much.

Carrolls Supercharging sells a pretty cheap level switch. Look them up online.

I use a 2.5 gallon plastic gasoline tank. But mine is trunk mounted.
There must be other possibilities for a reservoir that evryone is using right? I need other ideas.

Ive been looking for an inexpensive container for another project Im working on and so far I havent found much. People are real proud of plastic containers.

You can take a look at boat gas tanks. They arent pretty but they are cheap and hold a lot.
I'm going to be using a 1 gallon Jaz fuel cell for a Jr. dragster.
from summit/jegs like 70.00
Ok guys, so if I decide to use the overflow reservoir but have my pump already mounted on the drivers side will this cause a problem? Will the suction line be too long and cause problems.
Thank you,
I almost did an alcy system, decided not to. My plan was to get a small radiator overflow resevor (something about the size of the windsheld washer fluid tank) and then use the stock overflow tank for alochol. its pretty big, looks unsuspecting, and its cheap.
Paul..ever heard of the KISS principle..keep it simple s***..

The GM tank is 16 bucks, the sender is 16 bucks..32 dollars and bada bing..

Relocate the pump..only 4 holes to drill and some biggie.

I know I know..let folks do what they want...

I just like easy ;)
Ok, but I think I have a space problem with my oil cooler being on the pass side, so that is why I chose the DS to mount the pump.

Stevemon, what size suction line are you using since you are going from one side to the other with res/pump? Just concerned with the length of tubing.

Thanks for all your advice, I am taking using it.

Originally posted by stevemon
We haven't seen any problems outside of the occasional transitional knock of a degree or two as long as the pump gets primed a few seconds.
If I take the car out in the morning, I'll boost up to 15 psi and then later in the PM I might do it agan to be safe.

Steve.......this method of priming the hose and pump works fine, but I went ahead and installed a primer button inside the car that activates the pump. This way, you can be sure you're ready to go to WOT at any time necessary. It is also useful to use while at speed to eliminate transitional knock by activating and holding before pushing the pedal to the floor. ;)
Stevemon, please clarify "The identical setup to mine is on at least 30 cars around here" that you have your pump mounted on DS or Pass side using the overflow tank for the alchy. Thanks, I will wait to hear to see if I move the pump or not.

Thankyou Stevemon, just wanted to be sure I understood you. Guess I will leave the pump mounted on DS and use the overflow tank. Thanks for your patience.

paul:) :)