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these cars do fly!


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turbo swimmer
Mar 2, 2003
Its not really a kill story, but i'll tell you guys anyways. i was running really late for work this morning, i gave myself about 20 minutes to get ready and get to work when it usually takes an hour, so i was eating while putting on my clothes, the normal i'm in a huge hurry rush. I ended up with about 20 minutes to make the 30 minute drive but i've been late the last few days so i figured today i shoudl get there on time. I decided to take the "autobahn on brighton" an open road in the middle of no where with no cops out there and at 6 in the morning no traffic either. i was driving along at about 105 (in a 45) trying to make good time, the car gets a little loose above that, i think it has an unbalanced tire. i've never gone that fast down the road before, i usually stick to 65 tops. so i was driving along and see a bump, its not much of a bump but i do prepare for it to be slightly rough but nothing bad, i've never had any problems before. once i hit it i felt somethign that was definatly not right, i hit the brakes and nothing happend, a fraction of a second later i hear some quick tire squeals, i was airborne.... that was about the worst feeling in the world, fun as hell but not something i want to do to my car. i've checked it out and nothign happend to the car, just a little lost pride, i feel like i shoudl be in fast and the furious after doing somethign stupid like that, even if it was an accident. so a word of advise, unless you know the road keep it slow.
Which "autobahn" are you talking about, 85? If I ever got airborne I would probably need to go home, take a shower and get dressed again. :eek:
its 144th by i-76. thats what my friend started callign it and the name stuck. I've heard they do some street racing out there, they start under the i-76 bridge, i've seen the tire marks but never seen any racing.

almost had to take a trip back home, it scared the s... out of me. I drove at about 20 the rest of the way to the highway.:eek:
Wow, no, I don't think I'd wanna get airborn in the GN! :eek:
The WRX, that's another story :D Me and an Evo went at it last week, we both went in the air at the same time which was amazing to see and feel, but it did scare me a bit, even in that car which lands great, so I backed off after that. He kept on it though and hit the next bump at 90+ and I got a nice view of rear suspension flexed out!
i really was suprised how well it handled, even though i wasn't very far off the ground, i would guess 2 inches or so. the landing was smooth, or could have been smooth if i was prepared for it and didn't do the panic brake slam. I was a few minutes early for work.... next time i'll be late...
We have a place around here that has a lot of hills where teenagers jump their cars.. only need to do 50mph on some of them.. I've never done this in the Buick, but my old car would do a beautiful landing. It simply depends on fast you launch, if you're full throttle or not, etc. 105mph may not be the 'smartest' thing to do for a jump.

I did jump an Eclipse my mother used to have... that did pretty good at landing too.

Stay safe.. leave earlier.