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Three Lanes...


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You've gotta try this!
Sep 2, 2001
This kill happened several years ago, but I felt like sharing it here.

The setting, local street racing town. Late night, probably 1 or 2 in the morning. Driving the GN, merging onto the main racing street. Not a well lit area. Coming home from a club.

As I was coming home this night, I decided to cruise through where the street racing is to see what’s going on. Merging onto the main street, coming down the exit, I see two Mustangs and a Camaro hurrying to an upcoming traffic light so they can line up. The road just so happens to be three lanes wide and stays that way for a good distance. As I came off the exit and pulled in behind the three lining up and revving up, I simply decided to pick which one looked the fastest. I pulled the Buick in behind Mustang in the middle lane. I surprised me that they were not paying ANY attention to cars behind them. Whenever I street race I make sure I’m keeping an eye our for sneaky police. Don’t want that ticket!!

Anyways, the traffic light provided the start and sure enough, my gamble was correct, the middle car was the fastest. That is exactly where I stuck the Buick’s front bumper, practically pushing him through the intersection! I have to tell you. The LOOKS on the guys faces in the losing two cars was priceless!! I passed them both riding on the Mustangs back door. Sure enough, when I had enough room, I signaled (such a courteous driver!), moved over and pulled up next to the Mustang winner. By then we were coming to the next red light and it was time to line up again. Two for two?? You bet… the Mustang driver asked to run and of course I was going to give him a fair race. So unfair of me to sneak up behind him and not even let him know who he’s racing. Light changed and Mustang fell quickly by the wayside as his friends were behind us watching on… The next light, the guy was cool about it, gave a thumbs up and asked the typical street racer question… “What times does that run?”. And the typical street racer response… “Dunno, it’s stock!” J
Stock or modded?? Hrmm...

I guess that's a matter of how ya look at it... for an 85 it's pretty well modded... for an 87 GN however, it's pretty stock.