Tubular Bells.......


Jan 7, 2002
Not the hacked up sound bit from the "Halloween" movies, but the whole 25 minute part one. With a GOOD pair of speakers and a clean sub (or a pair of speakers that can go down to 25 cycles at a good level without distorting everything), it's great listening.

Right now I am using either......

Apogee Scintilla ribbons (1 ohm!) drivin by a Sunfire amp.

Otherwise Boston A60s drivin by a NAD 7155 reciever above 110 hz, AR 3a's drivin by a Crown DC300, below, and a Bryston electronic crossover.
John Carpenter's "Halloween" theme (long version) from the movie sound track is awesome, too! :)
The themes for both of those movies are from that album...The version I have is like 45 minutes long.