Just got back from a quick test and tune run to try out my TA49 with my dual nozzle SMC kit. For my first 3rd gear blast I had my Capser's Thumbwheel on 22 degrees and with 24# boost I got 7 degrees of knock and my 02s were .937 ... ouch. Even running that rich it pulled really hard. Without changing a thing, I tried it again and the car started to shudder as the boost went up. Knocks were 21 and )2s were .990. For these runs I had the turn on point at 11 psi and pump speed was 8. I am using Bosch 868 (36#) injectors at 44 with vaccuum off. I'm using straight denatured and using the OTC 4000E to tune. I realize that the car was running very rich. Would that cause the shuddering? Any ideas why it would run pretty good on one run and then shudder the next? Should I start by adjusting my fuel pressure to get my 02s in an acceptable range and then see what happens. I know I'm probably going to have to lower my boost a little but it seemed like I was close on the fisrt run. I didn't get a chance to do any more tuning tonight ... had to put my daughter to sleep. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.