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turning the alky on at 5psi?


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Pit Bitch
May 24, 2001
ok so i have been thinking that my plug wires and plugs were bad chacing down what i thought to be a miss at about 3300 rpms. as it turns out my alky kit which i have not really messed with is set to start spraying at 5psi ( i did not do it some one in back was prolly messing with it) was one and spraying at 5psi.

the question is would turing the kit on at a very low PSI cause the car to buck like that. my dial is set at 12 noon on the spray dial.


i hope i am making sence its 330 am right now :)
Originally posted by Grim Reaper
the question is would turing the kit on at a very low PSI cause the car to buck like that. my dial is set at 12 noon on the spray dial.

Absolutely - it's probably running really rich. You do know that the boost setting knob's position relative to the dial is pretty much irrelevant? The knob turns multiple revolutions to get to the desired setting - there's no stop.


At 5psi you are not flowing enough air, and the alky mix is flooding the spark. Turn on point should be around 12psi