If you're starting from scratch, and doing that much work on the motor, and plan on going the intercooled route anyways, why use a hotair intake setup? If you do all you listed, but with an intercooled intake/turbo setup, youd be able to hit your goal very easily, and then some. It can definitely be done with a hotair setup too, but it will be a lot more work, and may cost you more in the end. Not trying to do any hotair bashing, I have one and love it, but if youre starting from scratch, and want to use an intercooler anyways, i dont see why youd go with the hotair setup.
If you have your heart set on it though, go for it, and build the car that makes you happy... youre the one who'll be driving it, not me or anyone else
As far as injectors go, I've seen a lot of knowledgeable guys on here lately recommend going with the 60lb'ers. Unless youre building a balls out strip car they should be able to handle your needs, and with modern chips theres no real driveability issues. That way you'll only have to buy injectors once, rather than buying a smaller set and maybe needing to upgrade later as you get faster. My car is pretty much stock though, and I am by NO means an expert on GN's, so im just passing along what I've been reading here lately. If anyone else chimes in to correct me, its probably better to trust them
Hopefully some of the more knowledgeable guys on here will chime in and give you some better answers