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Warm Alky Reservoir


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Serenity Now
Aug 11, 2002
I have Razor's kit with the coolent style alky reservoir. I recently went with an external style downpipe and now it seems this reservoir gets warmer than I was used to. I didn't take a temperature, but it gets pretty warm. I can rest my hand on it and it doesn't burn my hand or anything and I don't have to pull away but it's not a comfortable heat. Should I be concerned?:confused:
I wouldn't be too concerned, there are a pile of cars out there with your kind of setup (mine included) and I have never heard of an issue. I guess you can keep and eye on your iat temps assuming you have it in the plenum.
my alky kit is pretty warm after the motor warms and I don't have a heat sheild on it and my exhaust is close and I have no problems. I would not expect you'd have any either.
One problem is that the alky will boil at something like 160f. Thats why you should run 20% water in the hotter weather.

Other than that, no reports of spontaneous combustion or anything, so far.