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Why doesn't my alky work w/ stock turbo very well?


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11 Second V6
May 25, 2001
I finally swapped my SMC kit to the Iroc, and was going to do the turbo too, but I don't have my Ported elbow w/ bigger puck yet. I can't get this thing to work right with the stock turbo! My BLMs at WOT are around 126, and I have the turn on around 15. Before the alky with the stock turbo I was able to run around 17#. With the alky I can't even run 17# without getting a ton of knock. What gives? I'm using the same timing tables that the GN has (19.3°WOT) and I thought I could be running 20 - 21# on the stock turbo until I swapped it out for the PT51. I was running 24# with no knock with the 51 on the GN and alky. :confused: (I'm using AC 43 plugs gapped at a tight 34, maybe I need the NGKs, like I have in the GN??)
Sounds like something is wrong. Turn the alky off and make sure that its running right without the alky. I was able to run a 108 chip, and 21lbs of boost with the stock setup.
Yep, works fine up to 17#. Haven't turned the alky back on since Tuesday because of it, I figured I'd just wait until I got the 51 on it to mess with it more, but would sure like to see what I could do with the stock turbo.
Hey bud just put the dam 51 on and hold on as for now i was thinking try the plugs and fuel pressure

Johnny M
Alky. works fine on my GN with the stock turbo.

Reds 100 chip in there. 20 psi. boost. :)
Make sure that the pump is working and that its spraying alcohol. I had some troubles for about an hour until I noticed a leak in one of the hoses. Fixed that and all the problems went away. I also had a pump die on me once.
It should have nothing to do with the turbo, especially at 17psi. The alky is not getting to the intake for whatever reason. Does anything happen when you hit the test button? At 19º you should be able to run whatever boost you want up to 22psi. Retrace your steps from the beginning, I bet it is something simple
Well, I tried all kinds of different turn on points, and pump speed, but never could get it to work right. On saturday morning I FINALLY swapped the PT51 off the GN to the Iroc and put the stock turbo off the GN back on it. Not really messing with it, I got the Iroc to do 22# of boost with little knock on a slightly higher timed chip (20.1). What really sucks is the TTA rear end I bought off ebay was supposed to be here in time for me to install for Vegas, but the @*&%*(@ hasn't even shipped it yet. Now I'm going to have to take the GN to Vegas, (The Iroc has 25" tall tires, and a 4.10 rear, and no VSS for the ECM). I really don't want to swap turbos and the alky again..........Oh well, what is it about 5 months before BG, maybe I'll have the Iroc done intime for that! Thanks for the suggestions on getting the stock turbo to work with the alky!
try reverse polarizing the pump, it could be clogged and this will spit it out...I have had to do this twice!
Do you have 02 and EGT readings? I've also had problems with the stock turbo and alky because it was running WAY to rich. This was compounded by the fact that I had 42 lb. injectors. It was so rich the car would knock and nose over when the alky kicked in. You might need to retune your fuel pressure/alcohol settings. I switched to a TE-44 and it became a lot easier to tune since the TE-44 flows more air.
Originally posted by BLACK6PACK
Make sure that the pump is working and that its spraying alcohol. I had some troubles for about an hour until I noticed a leak in one of the hoses. Fixed that and all the problems went away. I also had a pump die on me once.

Hey Black im kinda new and still reading on the alky stuff, but where do the new pumps come from when you kill the old one??
are they easy to come buy? because sooner or later the pump will go like anything else right?


I turned down the fuel pressure on the Iroc from 42 static to 37 static, the BLM's went up a bit hovering around 138 now, but I'm getting 25# of boost out of the Iroc! (While the plugs are cold, other wise it seems to "blow them out") Just waiting to get my calipers back so I can install the TTA rearend, and have to get some NGK UR5's too.

JoJo, the SMC kit comes with a warranty. I've had to send mine back once and Steve got it back to me right away, great customer service.
Originally posted by roc87
I turned down the fuel pressure on the Iroc from 42 static to 37 static, the BLM's went up a bit hovering around 138 now, but I'm getting 25# of boost out of the Iroc! (While the plugs are cold, other wise it seems to "blow them out") Just waiting to get my calipers back so I can install the TTA rearend, and have to get some NGK UR5's too.

JoJo, the SMC kit comes with a warranty. I've had to send mine back once and Steve got it back to me right away, great customer service.

Thanks roc
