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Daily abused GNX spotted


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hahahaha.. guys were crying when I raced it in 89 .. They couldn't believe someone would do that to a NEW "3 day old" collector car :p Dammmm..that car took a beating!! Should seen the car in the snow!! It was a ball!!
We raced it everywhere at the time.. Drive 6 hours to Cecil County or Atco or E town for the Buicks events back in the "day":biggrin: some people like to look and polish there cars in the garage.. We DRIVE'M . Lookin at new Shelbys now to do the same with. BUT there are already a ton of them at the drags! I am glad they are USING them.

Driven to church errrrrr I mean the dragstrip every Sunday by a lil ol lady:p
Driven to church errrrrr I mean the dragstrip every Sunday by a lil ol lady:p

when I sold it I did tell him the it was woman owned and I had raced the living hell out of it ...BUT she did to!! racing me in a GN runnin Nausss :p :cool:
Her car- she can do anything she wants with it. I'm sure she doesn't care what you guys do with yours. It's a CAR folks even if a rare, desirable, collectible one.
asking price...i missed that part where shes selling it:confused:
There was no for sale sign...but as we all know everything has a price....I'm sure she would want as much as she reads these very low mile, climate-controlled-garage-stored examples command even if her car needs $20k in restoration at this point....which is probably why its still being (ab)used as a daily driver. :(
You guys are too funny.

You guys buy a NEW $$$$$ Caddy, Lex, BMW, Benz and drive then into the ground but god forbid you drive an out sourced modified 20 plus year old Regal with flares……….

You guys would marry a super model and just look at her because you’d be afraid to damage her.
Piss on the lady for driving the GNX into the ground!:mad:

Who says she is "driving it in the ground". Some people view cars as art. Others think they are just tin and glass and plastic and rubber. IMO automobiles were made to help the masses be more MOBILE. If I choose to DRIVE my car, I do it for the pleasure of what it is intended for! If you maintain your car and love your car for what it was designed FOR, it is not destroying it.
There are varying levels of care.
I'm sure she got it in a divorce.;) Her thought is "F that S.O.B. who spent more time with this P.O.S. then me" :mad: Its her way of getting even.:tongue:
You guys would marry a super model and just look at her because you’d be afraid to damage her.

That's funny.

When I was a teenager I would look at cars and say "That thing needs to be kept perfect because it's rare/history/art/whatever." In my early twenties I came to the conclusion that cars are meant to be enjoyed. If you enjoy keeping your car a trailer queen then more power to you. If you want to drive it then more power to you. There might be a couple of cars I wouldn't touch as far as modding goes if I owned them, but not many. Most anything I own I'm going to change as I see fit and drive.
Maybe it is a guy that works as a mall security gaurd doing all he can to keep his only car he loves.
I bought my 70 GS455 from the original owner in 1987. She had kept it all that time. My ex loved to drive and race my Turbo T. You know what is to ASSUME.:smile:
As long as some people will use them, there will always be others to restore them. To each his own. If I owned a GNX, I would defenitly drive it, prob just not to the mall. But thats just me. I have a real nice GN I drive maybe once or twice a month, and , It has not seen the rain since 2006. I simply chose not to drive it in bad weather. But that absolutly does not mean i dont enjoy it. no right or wrong here, just different opinions.
i would never own a car that i wouldn't let sit in any parking lot.. someday, after i win the lottery, i will have a series of desirable cars that will be driven wherever i want to go with them.
they are just cars-if damaged they can be fixed. if stolen, they can be replaced.

Hahahaha, don't ever leave Smallville.

Come to a great big city and you'll need 7 cars per week (one per day) to keep the car thieves well fed.

If that GNX were here in Southern California it would be in Mexico by now.
Hahahaha, don't ever leave Smallville.

Come to a great big city and you'll need 7 cars per week (one per day) to keep the car thieves well fed.

If that GNX were here in Southern California it would be in Mexico by now.
sounds like you need to move, maybe to somewhere that has people that respect other people's property and you don't have to live in fear of your car disappearing when you let it out of your sight for 10 minutes while you live yoru life.
oh, yeah- the weather there is awesome, so it's all worthwhile..
sounds like you need to move, maybe to somewhere that has people that respect other people's property and you don't have to live in fear of your car disappearing when you let it out of your sight for 10 minutes while you live yoru life.
oh, yeah- the weather there is awesome, so it's all worthwhile..
Ya well in this day and age youd be suprised what happens in so called safe neighborhoods people tend to not give a **** about respect and being civil when their families are starvin cause they lost thier career and then life savings aka 401k and ridiculous house payment without $$ coming in you can only move for so long before it finds you again ask all the people that left mich 4 yrs ago when noone was payin real attention to the mich crisis it was just our prob guess what it followed them now its country wide plus how many times are you gonna make your wife give up the house she loves and make ur kids change schools etc..and move your cars and tools and parts youve accumulated...:eek: easier said than done..