New Skin - Final Draft

Do you like the new skin?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 97.5%
  • No

    Votes: 2 2.5%

  • Total voters
I like it, if nothing else because the default Xenforo skin is a bit cold. Will there be more than one skin choice eventually?
As much as these skins cost, I doubt it.
Well, for the first time since the "big change", I can say something "positive"...Yeah, it looks 100% better!...:)...but I dunno if all the "things" that were easy to do before (like deleting attachements) will be back soon??...o_O

making a few changes since the 1.1.2 update. I hope the skin will be installed this evening.
The bright white is a sore for sighteyes! Thats better that this we see now. Can you tone the bright white down any? Other that that I like it.
Will the new "skin" become effective soon? It won't make the site easier to use, but at least, it'll look much better.

Claude. :cool:
Sorry, I don't get on here too often recently.... But what was wrong with the old look. I've logged on a few times and thought I was on the wrong site:confused: .... either way, at this point anything will be better than this.:D
I love the way the new skin looks. One thing I'll ask and don't take it as complaining cause I'm happy to have this board even if it was bright pink and neon green but can the background instead of being white, can it be off-white, tan, like it was 2 boards ago. It was really easy on the eyes.
I love the way the new skin looks. One thing I'll ask and don't take it as complaining cause I'm happy to have this board even if it was bright pink and neon green but can the background instead of being white, can it be off-white, tan, like it was 2 boards ago. It was really easy on the eyes.
How about this for colors then?:D:p
Like the new skin...but agree with the others...white backgound is very hard on the eyes....liked the original colors.....just my .02
I will just wait to see it installed, anyway you cut it, it will look good.
Hey, somebody will post when the skin gets changed, right? Otherwise, I may not know it until I flush my cache or log off (which I never do)...