5.0 with 250 NOS

Originally posted by stroked347
Thats called "puddling" in the upper intake. The upper was never meant to flow anything but air, and with that big of a dose......and not enough velocity(rpm).......boom

They now sell plate kits that get sandwiched between the upper and lower intake and avoid stuff like this.


That happened to me once. I had an early system - don't remember the name of the company but they had a flamingo (I swear) on their logo. It was a wet system on my 5.0 GT. I took a friend out for a ride and hit the nitrous at too low of an RPM. BLAM! Flames out the left edge of the hood and underneath (a jogger saw it happen). Flames for a split second - not "on fire". It blew apart anything rubber or plastic from the throttle body out to the air filter.

I ditched the N20 and went with a supercharger. Liked forced induction so much I ditched the 5.0 and bought a GN. The rest, as they say, is history.

Originally posted by stroked347

Yeah that was it. System worked pretty good, but it didn't take long for people to figure out the "dry" system was the way to go.

A friend of mine had an '86 5.0 (6 months old)...

...and we put a NOS Cheater (wet) system on it. One night blasting around town he got the idea to hit the highway, top it out in 5th and hit the button. The resulting explosion blew the air filter housing apart, one of the freeze plugs out of the intake manifold, and a flame about a foot out each side of the hood, and bent the throttle plate. No lingering fire, just a quick BOOM and shut off. He got stopped and got out and looked, then re-started it, and of course it was turning about 5 grand with the freeze plug missing and the bent throttle plate. Being dark he couldn't see the problems, but we found em the next day. :D
A friend from work put nitrous on his wife's mustang (even had her name on the personalized plate). Boy he caught some hell when blew up the whole intake system of the car.

Not as much though, as when he bolted on the new fiberglass cowl hood (birthday present?) and then tried to drive it to work without the hood pins in front. He actualy made it onto the highway before the hood flipped back and crushed the windshield and roof.

This is your brain. This is your Brain on Mustangs.

That was actually a true story. We fixed the freeze plug immediately, straightened the throttle plate enough for him to get by for a few days, added a K&N filter system, and he used the bent throttle plate as an excuse to buy a bigger throttle body. :D No problem :D :D :D :cool:
Originally posted by UNGN
A friend from work put nitrous on his wife's mustang (even had her name on the personalized plate). Boy he caught some hell when blew up the whole intake system of the car.

Not as much though, as when he bolted on the new fiberglass cowl hood (birthday present?) and then tried to drive it to work without the hood pins in front. He actualy made it onto the highway before the hood flipped back and crushed the windshield and roof.

This is your brain. This is your Brain on Mustangs.

Wait a minute. This guy cannot bolt a hood on correctly ,and he is installing nitrous on car? Wow what are people thinking.
Re: A friend of mine had an '86 5.0 (6 months old)...

Originally posted by Rickracer
...and we put a NOS Cheater (wet) system on it. One night blasting around town he got the idea to hit the highway, top it out in 5th and hit the button. The resulting explosion blew the air filter housing apart, one of the freeze plugs out of the intake manifold, and a flame about a foot out each side of the hood, and bent the throttle plate. No lingering fire, just a quick BOOM and shut off. He got stopped and got out and looked, then re-started it, and of course it was turning about 5 grand with the freeze plug missing and the bent throttle plate. Being dark he couldn't see the problems, but we found em the next day. :D

Wow that does not sound right! I have sprayed my car in 5th gear ,and did not blow it up. Tell him to make sure that the car is WOT next time before he hits the button ,or back that timing up a little ,and he should be fine.
He was wide open, as fast as it would go

But I'd bet he had his timing advanced a bit. I wasn't with him that night, I had to fix the aftermath the next day, but he and his passenger (another customer) told me the same story at different times. :cool:
A....ahem....friend forgot to put the hood pins in the front of the bolt on glass hood on his Nova 4spd when he was a teenager. This friend had just grabbed 2nd gear when the hood flew up, busted the windsheild, broke the hood off at the hinges, and promptly left the car landing in the ditch beside the road mangled beyond any hope of repair. I keep the hood pins in the top of the tool box as a reminder to not ever be like my friend and get in a hurry when wrenching. :D
Re: He was wide open, as fast as it would go

Originally posted by Rickracer
But I'd bet he had his timing advanced a bit. I wasn't with him that night, I had to fix the aftermath the next day, but he and his passenger (another customer) told me the same story at different times. :cool:

That's what blew mine up. I had the timing advanced on it (ahhh the days of simply turning the distributor a bit). Even though I had a WOT switch on the throttle it engaged at too low an RPM.

I did buy a Jacobs Nitrous Mastermind after the explosion. It was a pretty cool device that let you set at what RPM the nitrous kicked in, the ramp of the juice (it pulsed the solenoids), and also retarded the timing for you. It worked great except that you could *feel* the pulsing of the solenoids if you had it cranked back too low. Of course nitrous junkies using the box said it hammered the seats out of the solenoids.....the whole thing was difficult to tune and manage.

I like the old button on the shifter

Sometimes ya need to get out of the gas without getting off the gas. Happened to me fairly regularly in my 427 powered Vega with a drilled out Cheater system. We calculated about 300hp worth of nitrous. :eek: :D :cool:
Guys the Nitrous systems have a fuel side lets not forget , who knows what could happen . If the Mustang guy blew his intake a part maybe the fuel line part got screwed up . Ill let you know soon cause .....................THE BOTTLES GOING ON .