9 SECOND 109 block challenge at Renolds


Tso Racing 2010
May 23, 2001
What happend to the 9 sec. challenge ? I have been working out the bugs to try and make it . I would like anybody intrested in competing to voice there opinion . I thought the rules were set so lets do this . To Jesse we would need atleast 10 cars to paticipate maybe a 50 dollar entry fee and some sponsor support make atleast a 1000. dollar purse. What do you think.LAZ
I thought Jesse mentioned something about Bradenton?? and are Stage cars still invited?:)
ummm......before you get cocky, you might wanna go back to the original post that Jesse made. It seems that he was talking about a class for "109's" in the 9's, a daily driver class, and a class in between. He was also planning on having a Stage 2 class to increase attendance, but I'm sure you knew that, right??

Here is a more recent post, just to refresh your memory...........

I have been working on a "B.O.P" type event for Florida in Dec , Cal , Rich , Dave , Willard , Gary and a couple of more stage motors said they would attend if I can pull it off , also Paul and Dana of SE Turbo said they would attend Jack said he might come and the whole cental fl buick club is up for it aswell , The spokesman for the Bradington track said he will work with me on the event, But the only way we will EVER get a Florida event is that ALL GN's in florida attend the stage , mid mod , full mod and most inportantly the daily drivers , if we can pull all of the GN's in florida together at one time (because theres alot of us) we will have our Florida B.O.P
I will be posting a thread on this event soon so keep your eyes open for it.

Originally posted by VictoryTrans
ummm......before you get cocky, you might wanna go back to the original post that Jesse made. It seems that he was talking about a class for "109's" in the 9's, a daily driver class, and a class in between. He was also planning on having a Stage 2 class to increase attendance, but I'm sure you knew that, right??

Here is a more recent post, just to refresh your memory...........

OUCH!! "Mean Scott" has been Mean Scotted! :D Hey Tony, tell him to do an archive search next time... ;) :)

I believe the Florida event will be Jesse's baby. Laz is talking about GSCA's event in GA, and wouldn't need all the other classes to cover track rental costs like in Jesse's case. You can bring anything you want to Reynolds (I'm sure you know that, I think I saw you guys there last year), I think Mean Scott was just referring to this particular thread's subject title.

The reason i bring this up is to create intrest. I went to Renolds last year and had a last but the was no classes to compete in. I remember tunning the car just for fun because it was just test and tune . I know there can be a good turn out and its a great track . I will be taking a few local cars only 1 can run in TSM but the other should run 9s they just want a nice place to race. Laz
I will be posting soon on the event for Florida.
Scott we only understand what you type , and I also took it as a smart remark , also if your interested in helping or attending this possable event that would be great to have someone here with experance like yours , but if you come on here with smart remarks and a "my sh!!t dont stink addatude" then get lost we can do it on our own and that goes to anybody else that wants to down play our effords. Dont take this personal I'm just a straight shooter and take this event seriously.

With all do respect
Oya the event will be held at Bradington there will be classes for Stage cars , mid mod 109, heavy mod 109 , and daily drivers
to all you daily drivers out there you will be the backbone of this event.

Woo Hoo.

Damn funny Scott. You get my vote.

Being that I have ADD, AND I am passive aggressive, I have to say that I do appreciate your sharp wit.

So, do all the 231 type blocks come with 109 cubic cenimeters?

Jesse, sorry I never called you back man. I have been major busy lately. I will call you right now (even before you get this email)...:cool:
Well after watching this post progress, I guess that's just Scotts personality and he wasn't trying to be an a/s/s/hole. Thats my bad then, sorry to jump on ya like that, Scott. I guess I just take things the way I see em, and respond likewise. Oh, well. Good luck with the event Jesse, I'm looking forward to it. BTW, Jesse, if you need help with anything, you know where we're at.
Re: LMAO~!

Originally posted by jsta6
So, do all the 231 type blocks come with 109 cubic cenimeters?
Wait a minute...that totally went over my head...Good One there JSTA6!:D :D
To Scott maybe you can post something on GSCA Board if we get some tsm cars to test we can have a drivers meeting and go over some rules to get more participation. To Jesse im in for bradenton but when. Orlando is this weekend Renolds is the 7,8,9 of november try and make it after thanksgiving to have a little time between events Laz
Hoping for a good turn out @ Reynolds...

plenty of TR's in the Eastern part of US. Hope ya'll come. Had a blast last year. Looking to duplicate this year.;)
Reynolds is Nov. 7-9.....I'm not sure on how far from Tallahassee, but I would say 3-4hrs???:confused:
Fla race program

A suggestion here, AND it's ONLY a suggestion.. don't want anyone to get their panties in a wad..:D

Tony wrote:
EVER get a Florida event is that ALL GN's in florida attend the stage , mid mod , full mod and most inportantly the daily drivers..
I think that to divide the competition into clases such as is suggested, will present a nitemare to the "tech inspectors"..

I suggest the age old idea, using the "KISS" principle... KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID!!
As for the Reynolds event, it is put on by Richard Lassiter from the GSCA.. Lots of test/tune.. and "X" class for the other folks that come, such as the "moostwangs" and others.. Had a couple "fairly fast" F bodies there a yr ago...
Some of the folks that attended were:
Gary Harmon, Cal H., Bill Ragland, Terry Houston, Jack Cotton,
The guys from Champion heads, etc...

Just might be a few fast Fords too!!

Nuf said,
PS: I'd support a race in Fl during the winter months!!:D :D
My car may stay in 1 piece just long enuf to be there too...:eek: :eek: