Before Black BS'ing thread.

yes sir.... same number.

Good to see you got in touch with more members, the bigger the circle the faster we can all go!

on a sad note for me..... back out to the field for 2 weeks.

oh joy.

Leaving Monday? At least I can send you a note once in a while to see if you've blown yourself up yet. LOL If things go together as easily as I think they will I may just send the completed turbo to you for testing. The only addition is that Joe gave me part of a 3" downpipe for my use.

I am a bit of a recluse but it has to do with lack of funds. If I don't spend it then I can keep it in the bank so I can get more parts.
Leaving Monday? At least I can send you a note once in a while to see if you've blown yourself up yet. LOL If things go together as easily as I think they will I may just send the completed turbo to you for testing. The only addition is that Joe gave me part of a 3" downpipe for my use.

I am a bit of a recluse but it has to do with lack of funds. If I don't spend it then I can keep it in the bank so I can get more parts.

yes sir, I will be out monday.... back into the desert to waste tax dollars.

well what ever works for you on the turbo, you dont have to make any mods to it as as all my tie down brackets are custom and I dont need to shorten the inlet any - so that will save time as a stock compressor housing is just fine.

dont feel bad about never getting out.... im in the same position! wouldnt be so bad if she got a job! LMAO!;)

It's getting cold.. er, unlike you guys out in the midwest and area's I'm on the great east coast where the snow blows blindingly and the winter lurks FOREVER. Time is even shorter now I'd love to get a lot of street time with the regal before I put it in the garage for the winter.
I wonder what kind of total timing I can get away with on my setup with my distributor and 93 octane.
Remember I'm using an '84 ESC distributor that has no mechanical advance.
I'm kinda scared to run it up anymore after all the blown HG's on the old engine even though that 7 pin hei module caused all of that.
So after the engine reaches OT the Initial and Total ignition timing is 18* then as the engine rpm's raise I loose roughly 1* of timing for every 500rpm. So that means once the engine has reached it's hp peak 4000-4500rpm's The total Ignition timing is 10*
I can spray the 100 shot of nitrous at this Ignition timing level and NEVER get knock with 20psi boost on 93 octane/10% ethanol. This will probably always be my nitrous ignition timing curve, but I still think I can add an additional 2 or 3* while spraying. I think I can run more that what I have at the current boost level when not spraying.
uh..... no thank you! LMAO

im still a kid myself...

Have a good day Charlie.... dont work too hard!


I think all the local towns sent their idiots our way today.:eek: Somewhere there's a town with an add that says, "Please contact us. our idiot is missing."
It was truely a circus today. At one point 8 illegals piled out of a Honda Accord headed to Mexico. It looked like a closn act in the curcus. Not kidding. Watching them get back in the car was even funnier.:biggrin: Lugage and everything.:eek:

It's getting cold.. er, unlike you guys out in the midwest and area's I'm on the great east coast where the snow blows blindingly and the winter lurks FOREVER. Time is even shorter now I'd love to get a lot of street time with the regal before I put it in the garage for the winter.
I wonder what kind of total timing I can get away with on my setup with my distributor and 93 octane.
Remember I'm using an '84 ESC distributor that has no mechanical advance.
I'm kinda scared to run it up anymore after all the blown HG's on the old engine even though that 7 pin hei module caused all of that.
So after the engine reaches OT the Initial and Total ignition timing is 18* then as the engine rpm's raise I loose roughly 1* of timing for every 500rpm. So that means once the engine has reached it's hp peak 4000-4500rpm's The total Ignition timing is 10*
I can spray the 100 shot of nitrous at this Ignition timing level and NEVER get knock with 20psi boost on 93 octane/10% ethanol. This will probably always be my nitrous ignition timing curve, but I still think I can add an additional 2 or 3* while spraying. I think I can run more that what I have at the current boost level when not spraying.

MIDWEST!!!!:mad: You need to look at the map Adam. LOL Texas is the begining of the west and Aj's in the west like I am.

As far as the distributor we use the CCC distributors in the dirt cars but convert them to a 4 pin and set them for total timing. Works great but you have to have a switch to kill power to the coil so you can crank it first, then hit the switch and fire it off. It's not a bad design but to me it needs a little more adjustability.
lol Anything over the west side of the Ohio river is the Midwest to me Charlie.
I'm going to have to stick with what I've got for a while because well that's all I got.
Well Aj's going to out in the middle of nowhere for the next 2 weeks so I hope we can keep the info and BS going.:biggrin: The last post was 4 days ago so I thought I'd bump it a little.:smile:

I think somewhere there's a bunch of towns looking for their idiots.:eek: It seems that we've gotten them for the holiday weekend for sure. How about a guy that broke his strut late on Saturday night and needed a shop to do the repair as well as some one that had the parts.:confused: Guess what, it was a 97 BMW 540i. Can you imagine someone that ignorant?:eek::biggrin: LOL
Yeah! I've had some idiots around here too, oh and at work Charlie. Perhaps next time they will stay in their own states/towns.
okie dokie..... so Im back.... out of a desert for a few days, but looks like ol"congress approved a new budget for us and right back out were gonna go....



so whats up guys?

I would say all your idiots come to AZ to live. I say that because all the raging morons I encounter on the freeway have AZ plates.

As for cold, the coldest we have had recently in Phoenix is 38 degrees.
Hear that you popsicles? It's AZ calling.

hhmmm... subject shift back to fuel/air mixers. I just got a free Holley 600cfm, 4150 with progressive linkage. It needs a rebuild and good cleaning but I figured, Why not make another blowthru carb out of it? I've never ran a Holley for blowthru before(even though my Demon is basically one) let alone modify one for blowthru. Now my car is running great again, I've got a test mule! It is winter and there is down time I just might do that, see if I can get more or less performance/driveability with a 200cfm smaller carb and Straight discharge boosters vs Annular discharge boosters.
Well posts 126 and 129 to answer your question.
Crack? CRACK?! You insult me, sir. I do meth Mr. Smarty pants. :biggrin:

Well since I work at AZ I didn't quite get it.:biggrin: Had the same thing today as well. Someone wanted a flywheel crank for his car. Turned out he needed a harmonic balancer.:eek:

The best one was the lady that called in for an alternator. We put it on hold for her and then she called back to say she deffinatly needed it and she'd be there before we closed. When she picked it up she proceded to give us her life story in hopes of getting a discount. Just to get rid of her we did.:rolleyes:
Well since I work at AZ I didn't quite get it.:biggrin: Had the same thing today as well. Someone wanted a flywheel crank for his car. Turned out he needed a harmonic balancer.:eek:

The best one was the lady that called in for an alternator. We put it on hold for her and then she called back to say she deffinatly needed it and she'd be there before we closed. When she picked it up she proceded to give us her life story in hopes of getting a discount. Just to get rid of her we did.:rolleyes:

Ha!. I may have to try that myself.