BIG PARTS LIST, May 2011, Parting 84GN, 87GN, 87T, 85T-type, 85 442

How about the chrome strip that goes in the dash? And driver side grey T Top cover for a lock
can you send me some pics of the blue seats if still available** thanks, ive sent you 2 pm's im not sure if you've received them?
Astroroof parts, I have the whole set up but the glass is scratched up, E mail with needs

I need the entire set up for the sunshade, ie, backerboard, chrome handle, and section that it slides in.

PM me on the price


Bob, I can't make it tonight, my refridgerator let go and I have a serviceman coming between four and six o'clock. I will catch you the next time you go down. On the seat, it's the back of my seat that has the problem. Do you have a 85 Gn seat with a good back? Can the seats be taken apart easily, I don't know. Thanks for all the help. Frank
Astroroof parts, I have the whole set up but the glass is scratched up, E mail with needs

I need the entire set up for the sunshade, ie, backerboard, chrome handle, and section that it slides in.

PM me on the price




Think ya missed me on the reply. In the illustrated guide I need the follow sunshade parts. Like I stated I missing the entire sunshade assbly.:frown:

46. 12.810 SUNSHADE GLS (E,G) 307118
42. 14.640 RETAINER S/S PNL HDLNG (E,G) 3071125 (both sides)
45. 12.810 HANDLE S/S 20359087

Really don't care what condition the fabric is in.

Thanks in advance.
