boost question

I am going to try tightening rod this evening if that doesn't work could I wire the puck closed to see if spring is weak thank everyone for the help

You can just keep an eye on the boost and as soon as you get above 20 lb. let off so you don't over boost.

If it does go above 20lbs. after you wire it shut you will need a new actuator if all other attempts at finding problem have been exhausted, IE vac lines and such.
finally got a chance to work on car today tightend actuator arm all the way still had threads but it bottomd out drove it went up to25# that is what I wanted guess that's all it will do. just wanted to thank everyone for the help
Cool, glad you got what you wanted out of it.

In the future you could also take about five to ten threads off the rod and effectively get the same or more tension without bottoming the waste gate coupler. ;)