Car Theft Deterrent for NYC - What works best?


New Member
Apr 14, 2003
I'm buying an 87 GN and live in NYC, what anti-theft device(s) work best? Assuming I'm willing to pay, how good is lo-jack? What about a combination of other things with lo-jack?
An APBT/AmStaff in the front seat works well. That's a pit bull in lay terms. ;)
Without giving away mine, go to and do a search, they have several home made options that work better than $$$ units that a pro will get around. Multiple 'devices' are best, the more the better. A friend working for GM told me lojack is only good if the local PD had 3 cars available to triangulate with.
garage that no one knows about..... i have a few things i like to use in the area and a garage is the best one
Well I'm putting on the column guard and have a brake lock as well as a viper alarm, figure the column guard is probably the best of the three? almost impossible to take off and they would need a flatbed to tow the car away? Figure that would completely deter kids wanting to steal it for a joyride..
If they want your car THEY WILL take it. That being said.
1-A steadfast column is mandatory. I can steal a 80's Gbody with a screwdriver. It is real easy to do.
2-Some sort of alarm with starter/fuel shutoff. This will only buy some time. You also lose a lot of amatuers at this level.
3-An anti-theft chip
4-a nice secluded garage.
5-don't establish patterns with your car. IE parking it at the same location every day.
6-a lojack sticker is probably better than lojack. No cop knows how to work it and even less of them care about some beeping box.
7-insure it fully.
By the way did I say that they WILL TAKE your car if they want to=FLATBED.
I have/will have 1,2,4,5, I don't know what the anti-theft chip is but I'll look into it, and can't insure it for replacement value here in NYC only $2500. Also have a brake lock which I haven't taken out of the box yet since I've heard mixed reviews on them...I'll keep an eye out for you trying to steal my car until I get the column guard in hehe.

Originally posted by GNICETRY
If they want your car THEY WILL take it. That being said.
1-A steadfast column is mandatory. I can steal a 80's Gbody with a screwdriver. It is real easy to do.
2-Some sort of alarm with starter/fuel shutoff. This will only buy some time. You also lose a lot of amatuers at this level.
3-An anti-theft chip
4-a nice secluded garage.
5-don't establish patterns with your car. IE parking it at the same location every day.
6-a lojack sticker is probably better than lojack. No cop knows how to work it and even less of them care about some beeping box.
7-insure it fully.
By the way did I say that they WILL TAKE your car if they want to=FLATBED.
A standard issue boot that the police put on your wheel for non payment of a ticket works every time. :D Costly, but compared to the cost of losing the car, it's pretty cheap.
Well, you guys in Tampa do have much better strip clubs...

Originally posted by Red Regal T

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MOVE!!! :p
At least until they passed the "look but don't touch" law.:eek:
go to your local police dept. and have your vin# put on all your glass and body parts and record you block #s this will prove to costly to replace these parts and helps recover your car and they can not sell it for parts. and by the way the guy who lives in tampa up yours i love nyc and god bless the USA !!!
I saw a show on discovery channel the other day about car thefts,and they interviewed some big time, x car theif. He said to use several deterrents in your car,cause a thief wants to spend no more then 3 minutes,trying to boost your car. he recommended some type of a brake lock to be the best deterrent. a matter a fact, they showed them stripping a monte ss,to prove how fast they can strip a stolen car.