ckperformance 2004r overhaul manual

Originally posted by chris718
thanks,two,four ,and 8 will be up in their entirety in the next few on it night and day.

Hi Chris,

Are you getting close to completion ?:)
george were on the last chapter.can i email you it for proof reading tonight ?if so let me know ill do it know,it would help.match the numbers,spelling etc.
did you get it?i can only send a certain amount of megabites at a time,whatever that means.
CHris you never resent me those other chapters,Freaking wife messed up the reader in my PC and it wouldnt read them
Originally posted by chris718
did you get it?i can only send a certain amount of megabites at a time,whatever that means.

Chris, I only received one page. I sent you a reply to trannyman

Originally posted by KLHAMMETT
Maybe too big a file,Try sending it in smaller peices


the first attempt came through with only one page. Otto's probably right.

Try sending half the file or even one page again. If it comes through, we'll know what the problem is.
trans book

hey chris

If you have any books left:) I want one

let me know please

thanks pat b
Me too!:D And maybe some parts for a serious rebuild in the near future. What is the latest on this book?