Healthy debate and the exchange of information helps everyone.
Grown men arguing over the Internet is an embarrassment to this community.

How many vendors do we have to lose on this board because of this garbage?

Thanks for stepping in John!

Timing does not fluctuate with the distributor.

MIne does, any idea? why? Also the thermsostat does not interfere with the distributor installation. Just getting things straight before there is more confusion. Also with 6 coils to go bad you've just added more chance of one failing and creating a hard misfire to trace.
It seems that you have limited knowledge about the XIM and how it operates, Have you seen the trend in the automotive industry, going to cop ignition, not putting in distributors. The advantages over the conventional electronic ignition are the elimination of a mechanical distributor, increased voltage at the spark plug, better timed spark, and a more efficient running engine. I for one would like to know that my spark is accurately firing at the correct time. With a distributor you will always have the timing chain and camshaft whip to contend with, and the associated noise induced from a conventional ignition. With the XIM you are not limited to LS style coils, you can run any style or output of coil. Hell we are running 8 HVCC msd coils with one. Smart or Dumb coils are able to be controlled by the XIM.

But Ted you should know about this advantage as you have a Big Stuff 3 that should have the capability for cop, or doesn't that feature work properly yet??

I think that this should be an excellent option for those running a XFI and wanting a more reliable ignition, with two step capability. For those that don't want to loose too much of the stock appearance or A/C functionality. And it will work with all the factory cam and crank sensors.


have you tried it yet? If so, is there a plug and play wiring harness for our cars? Thanks.
I tried this two years ago and almost finished the setup but I aparently chose the wrong vendor to help me with this. He was too busy to help me over the phone so he pushed me off on FAST which was a real pain in the ass because they don't know **** about buicks. I got as far as getting fire but no start when I finally got pissed enough to give up.

So long story short BE CAREFUL who you choose to deal with when it comes to doing this.

NOT ANYBODY IN THIS THREAD. I didn't have any personal experience with Nick but would trust him way more than my Vendor.

I will not Name him publicly so don't ask.

BTW I still have the harness made by caspers (the very first one he did for this was for me) And the XIM box if anybody is interested in buying this.

Laz, working on a plug and play harness, should have system installed on my car and testing in a few days, I just recieved my coils. My goal is to make installation and set up easy. I will post info soon.
Laz, working on a plug and play harness, should have system installed on my car and testing in a few days, I just recieved my coils. My goal is to make installation and set up easy. I will post info soon.


That sounds good!

Thanks. Doesnt look like he had too much success. I'll have to call FAST again and ask what the deal is.
As far as I could tell the harness was right! the tech support from fast and my vendor left a lot to be desired. Maybe I'm still a little pi$$ed... I put out a lot of money and was promised a lot and was pawned off on (supposedly a programmer) fast and still no luck. Also my vendor has yet to apologize or even remember he was supposed to be working on this for me. He doesn't even acknowledge me at events.

Thanks for letting me vent!
who did you talk to at fast?
I have seen XIM boxs running all kinds of cop setups , what is so unusual about making it work on a buick?

thats too bad , Im sure it could have been worked out. sorry they rubbed you the wrong way.
It runs XIM and 6 coils on a GN

Just finished up the wiring and setting up the coils on the GN this evening. Set the Stock cam sensor up and fired her up. Runs good, nice even idle. Stock Cam sensor and crank sensor, Ls1 coils, XIM, Lots of wiring. I will test out the 2 step and tach functions later this week, and run at the track Sat. weather permitting. My harness plugs into the stock coil pack connector, XIM, and power and ground to the battery. Easy to swap back to stock setup for testing. I will be dyno testing the car with both setups later to compare power output.
Just finished up the wiring and setting up the coils on the GN this evening. Set the Stock cam sensor up and fired her up. Runs good, nice even idle. Stock Cam sensor and crank sensor, Ls1 coils, XIM, Lots of wiring. I will test out the 2 step and tach functions later this week, and run at the track Sat. weather permitting. My harness plugs into the stock coil pack connector, XIM, and power and ground to the battery. Easy to swap back to stock setup for testing. I will be dyno testing the car with both setups later to compare power output.

Can you throw some video up on youtube or something?
Give me some time and I just might be able to do that. I have other commitments to take care of this week but I will try to have some footage this weekend. Customers must come first you know. :D
Video of car running

I put some video up on my website.
Wiring harness is temp, and bracket for coils is unpainted at this time, but it runs fine. On my first pass the XFI was adding 10% fuel pretty much the whole pass, so more fuel means that this should equal more power. Can't wait to test on the dyno.

XIM w/harness misc connectors----------687.00
6 coils (used)----------- 75.00
Not having to grind on brackets and screw with a distributor--- Priceless
I put some video up on my website.
Wiring harness is temp, and bracket for coils is unpainted at this time, but it runs fine. On my first pass the XFI was adding 10% fuel pretty much the whole pass, so more fuel means that this should equal more power. Can't wait to test on the dyno.

XIM w/harness misc connectors----------687.00
6 coils (used)----------- 75.00
Not having to grind on brackets and screw with a distributor--- Priceless

Jan that looks very promising.
Thanks for the update!