Gasp! 87natty?


West Side DSR Rep
Jan 30, 2007
Yes, tis I. I know and have met about 50% of all you guys before, so I won't even bother with the intro.

I have a couple pics I wanted to share with you guys that finally need to get back to their rightful owners.

EDIT: Guess I need two more posts to show pics eh? We'll just have to wait.
Hey, you look sort of familiar. Don't you bartend part time out at the fontana track? Welcome, Brian, to the Southwestern Section.
Wait, I should at least say my name huh?

I'm also known as Brian Lynch. Gary, help me post whore, I need another to post pics dammit.
Wait, I should at least say my name huh?

I'm also known as Brian Lynch. Gary, help me post whore, I need another to post pics dammit.

Hahaha YES! Brian they dont allow **** to be typed here.. other than that its cool.

My website still sucks:rolleyes:
I'll get with you on your website probably next week Phil. I think I'm creative enough with typography to get around language filters. ;)

This is Scott's Toy National, before he blew his axle apart and then met us up in the stands and laughed about it, bucket on his head and all. I believe he said he literally found the axle in a dumpster.

And this is Don Wang's 86? GN at Vegas with his T/A block:

What really blows is Flickr won't let me exceed 1024 pixels, when these shots are 2.5 times that size, so if Scott or Don want prints, just email me and I'll send you the big files to get run off. They look REAL at good hi-resolution. Once you get to the page, click on 'All Sizes' above the picture to see it bigger.
I'll get with you on your website probably next week Phil. I think I'm creative enough with typography to get around language filters. ;)

This is Scott's Toy National, before he blew his axle apart and then met us up in the stands and laughed about it, bucket on his head and all. I believe he said he literally found the axle in a dumpster.

And this is Don Wang's 86? GN at Vegas with his T/A block:

What really blows is Flickr won't let me exceed 1024 pixels, when these shots are 2.5 times that size, so if Scott or Don want prints, just email me and I'll send you the big files to get run off. They look REAL at good hi-resolution. Once you get to the page, click on 'All Sizes' above the picture to see it bigger.

Don't see any pics but just wanted to let you know the "new" 3rd member is a 160,000 mi "new" unit currently running 9.30's :biggrin: Where does it end?:p

edited - awesome pic- THANX! (i love dumpsters!)
what has the world come too?

Natty ..... here?
OMG !:eek:

good to hear from you, see, its nots so bad here,
whats next, Robert here too ? :D :eek: :confused:
why does that sig picture look familiar natty? cant place it?:confused: welcome back anyways, where did you go???:D
I've been to Neal's a few times and I was at Donut Derelicts once. That was after I spent the night at Phil's working on his Powermaster conversion. I mixed gin and tonics at Fontana once too. That was when the white T caught on fire. I was also at one of Pat Fiero's parties like 6 years ago or something. I had a short, busty girlfriend with LONG hair at the time. I met him running up to his car at a stoplight, he thought he was getting car-jacked. Oh, I was at the Nat's a year or so ago with a bucket on my head.
NAH, was'nt at any of those functions, just the pic in your sig looks familiar, another board?