Got laid off, went shopping...


New Member
May 25, 2001
I know this is probably not the typical response a man has when he gets laid off (no offense ladies), but I had some money set aside that was screaming to get spent. I wanted a really nice toy so I borrowed some more and made a phone call.
Maybe this will work.


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Is that an ac/dc tig with water cooling option?
Now that you need work, how much would charge to put an Alloy cage in my TTA?

Yes, It's an AC/DC tig with water cooler. It is an inverter power source which gives more control over the arc shape than traditional AC/DC power sources.

It cost me just over $5500 through Indiana Oxygen Supply. They were nearly $1000 cheaper than anywhere local. There are comparable models from Thermal Arc that are cheaper a bit, but since it's a one time purchase I wanted to get a full featured setup.


I can do it and I'll do it pretty cheap. Personally I feel DOM is a better choice than chromalloy for cage purposes, but i can do either. What time frame are you looking at?

Chris S
Originally posted by PCS74

I can do it and I'll do it pretty cheap. Personally I feel DOM is a better choice than chromalloy for cage purposes, but i can do either. What time frame are you looking at?

Chris S

I have to break it to my wife I´m going to put a roll cage in the TTA I just bought, but I´m not in too big a hurry (sometime before next year), but I sold some of my other "projects" and my latest is the TTA to open road race and run Production Supercharged at the Texas mile and Maxton and at the mile event in Nebraska.

I need a cage to run faster than 185 and I plan on running faster than 185, eventually.

Let me know if you want to take it on,
Yes, I definately want to take it on.

I will be finishing out my semester in the next two weeks and then I need a couple weeks to get it set up, programmed, test it, and get used to it.

Are you on broadband? If so I can send you some hi-res pics of a cage we built for my friend, or if you have a free weekend in the beginning of May we can head out to his house and you can check it out.

Chris S
Originally posted by PCS74
Yes, I definately want to take it on.

I will be finishing out my semester in the next two weeks and then I need a couple weeks to get it set up, programmed, test it, and get used to it.

Are you on broadband? If so I can send you some hi-res pics of a cage we built for my friend, or if you have a free weekend in the beginning of May we can head out to his house and you can check it out.

Chris S

Sounds great. my email is