Hmmm...not sure I wanna be called a Redneck anymore...


Silent but Violent
Oct 9, 2003
First, I'm not a true redneck. I'm born and raised at the beach in Florida, but am often thought of as a redneck because I'm into cars, motorcycles and guns.

So, I go to a rodeo in NC the other night. Plenty of cowboys there. The audience were full of about 400-500 'rednecks', 'hillbillies' or whatever you want to call them.
Generally all fine red blooded American people.

I was amazed that...honestly almost every single one of them were drinking soda. I saw maybe 2 bottled waters. What really shocked me was right in front of me is a 3-4 year 30lb little girl drinking a mountain dew at 9pm. Now thats like me drinking about 6 or 7 of them. :eek: Looked around some more and there were a lot of kids drinking caffeinated sodas. Dr Pepper, MelloYello etc. All I could think was these kids will be getting in trouble for not going to bed and asleep when they get home. Since they are probably drinking lots of soda throughout the day I'm imagining that they will get sent to the doctor for being hyper then diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Ritalin.

I'm I on to something or am I just getting old? :p
First, I'm not a true redneck. I'm born and raised at the beach in Florida, but am often thought of as a redneck because I'm into cars, motorcycles and guns.

So, I go to a rodeo in NC the other night. Plenty of cowboys there. The audience were full of about 400-500 'rednecks', 'hillbillies' or whatever you want to call them.
Generally all fine red blooded American people.

I was amazed that...honestly almost every single one of them were drinking soda. I saw maybe 2 bottled waters. What really shocked me was right in front of me is a 3-4 year 30lb little girl drinking a mountain dew at 9pm. Now thats like me drinking about 6 or 7 of them. :eek: Looked around some more and there were a lot of kids drinking caffeinated sodas. Dr Pepper, MelloYello etc. All I could think was these kids will be getting in trouble for not going to bed and asleep when they get home. Since they are probably drinking lots of soda throughout the day I'm imagining that they will get sent to the doctor for being hyper then diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Ritalin.

I'm I on to something or am I just getting old? :p
Ok well first Rednecks they F their sisters and hillbillies, shoot guns, get muddy, kill things , drink beer and whiskey.
now that that's cleared up, thats the way it is anymore, sugar is the new drug of choice.. These parents dont know what their getting them selves into.. Or the parents them selves.. Diabete's is VERY expensive to take care of, unless you have VG insurance policy, which people with Diabete's usually dont have the best plans bc of that.. It what the world is coming to. They serve all that stuff inside at school lunches to. kids drinkin 4-5 plus sugar drinks a day.. NFG!!!
when you get a chance watch the documentary FOOD INC shows how WE are ruining our genetic DNA instead of getting stronger,smarter were getting lazier, fatter, prone to health problems diabetes etc... per the food we eat/soda we drink all that crap has high fructose corn syrup its sad really sad...check it out FOOD inc.. i dont eat that much red meat anymore because of the documentary..and im a JUICY STEAK KINDA GUY..but the cows we eat are not eating what there natural diet is..they feed them corn and corn by products like high fructose corn syrup they look all dirty they live in theryre own chit.. no more fast food for me at all and no more soda for me either...
If a Hillbilly gets a divorce is his X still considered his cousin????????
I think Jeff Foxworthy said "Show me a kid drinking Coca-Cola from a bottle and I'll show you a future NASCAR fan."
Mountain Dew has systematicly targeted children and young adults in Appalachia rotting teeth away in the name of profit. I won't drink that crap. I used to but got stomach aches and quit. Best think I did. Nothing but empty calories and caffeine no one needs.
when you get a chance watch the documentary FOOD INC shows how WE are ruining our genetic DNA instead of getting stronger,smarter were getting lazier, fatter, prone to health problems diabetes etc... per the food we eat/soda we drink all that crap has high fructose corn syrup its sad really sad...check it out FOOD inc.. i dont eat that much red meat anymore because of the documentary..and im a JUICY STEAK KINDA GUY..but the cows we eat are not eating what there natural diet is..they feed them corn and corn by products like high fructose corn syrup they look all dirty they live in theryre own chit.. no more fast food for me at all and no more soda for me either...

i think you should take a little time to learn just what DNA is and what it does.. fast food or flavored sugar water doesn't affect our DNA..
The comment about the prevalence of this issue in Appalachia is spot on... I've seen it first hand... It's so bad that I've heard of it (mountain dew) being put in the baby bottles.... A year or so ago Diane Sawyer did a 20/20 special (IIRC), that talked about Appalachia and all the issues- you might be able to find it on youtube... Many of the kids here have teeth that look like "meth mouth"... I thought it was some sort of f'd up drug use but found out it's poor dental care and tons of sodas all day long....

For another cool documentary also see one called. "Food Matters"--- It's very interesting and has changed some of my diet as well.
There are allot worse things in soda than HFCS...aspartame for one. Very bad. About 4 years ago my smoking habit got up to 3 packs a day (again), and I was drinking about 3 pots of black coffee as well. After some input from my wife and kids about my habits I quit cold turkey and turned to diet coke to curb the cravings. I was drinking about a case a day of diet coke when my wife realized what I was doing and that's when I found out about the harmful effects of aspartame.

Now, I just drink unsweet iced tea and water.
Why is it so difficult to solve homicides in the south?

a. All the DNA is the same
b. There are no dental records

**NOVAA Go f urself man stay the f*** away from my post ur an ass hole that try's to be better than me i wish i could meet you to see how much of a bi*ch you are. we reproduce and grow dont we?? arent mother and babys higher risk of preeclampsia and kids with high blood pressure and diabetes from all the crap we eat..dont you see 1 out of 3 americans are obese and lazy from the garbage we eat each generation will live less and are at risk of failure from the beginning... here's what wikipedia has to say C*ock muncher

DNA contains the genetic information that allows all modern living things to function, grow and reproduce. However, it is unclear how long in the 4-billion-year history of life DNA has performed this function, as it has been proposed that the earliest forms of life may have used RNA as their genetic material.[98][110] RNA may have acted as the central part of early cell metabolism as it can both transmit genetic information and carry out catalysis as part of ribozymes.[111] This ancient RNA world where nucleic acid would have been used for both catalysis and genetics may have influenced the evolution of the current genetic code based on four nucleotide bases. This would occur, since the number of different bases in such an organism is a trade-off between a small number of bases increasing replication accuracy and a large number of bases increasing the catalytic efficiency of ribozymes.[112]
Why is it so difficult to solve homicides in the south?

a. All the DNA is the same
b. There are no dental records


Why is a suicide so hard to figure out in kalifornication? Because most there are illegals or brain dead, so what's the difference?:biggrin::eek:
**NOVAA Go f urself man stay the f*** away from my post ur an ass hole that try's to be better than me i wish i could meet you to see how much of a bi*ch you are. we reproduce and grow dont we?? arent mother and babys higher risk of preeclampsia and kids with high blood pressure and diabetes from all the crap we eat..dont you see 1 out of 3 americans are obese and lazy from the garbage we eat each generation will live less and are at risk of failure from the beginning... here's what wikipedia has to say C*ock muncher

DNA contains the genetic information that allows all modern living things to function, grow and reproduce. However, it is unclear how long in the 4-billion-year history of life DNA has performed this function, as it has been proposed that the earliest forms of life may have used RNA as their genetic material.[98][110] RNA may have acted as the central part of early cell metabolism as it can both transmit genetic information and carry out catalysis as part of ribozymes.[111] This ancient RNA world where nucleic acid would have been used for both catalysis and genetics may have influenced the evolution of the current genetic code based on four nucleotide bases. This would occur, since the number of different bases in such an organism is a trade-off between a small number of bases increasing replication accuracy and a large number of bases increasing the catalytic efficiency of ribozymes.[112]

the health problems are cultural and not genetic. well, beyond certain genetic predispositions to different disorders that can be aggravated by the food they eat and the environment in which they live.
where does your citation say anything about genetic mutations being caused by junkfood or flavored sugar water? prove me wrong- or, more accurately, prove yourself right. i don't mind being wrong- it's how i learn. .
and get over yourself.. not only did i not even know that it was you that i quoted- i respond to posts, not people- but you don't have any say in who responds to your posts or how they respond. so, until you buy this site from the people that pay the bills, you've got no say in how or if i respond to anything you post.
"I'm I on to something or am I just getting old?"


Ha! I meant to say Am I on to something...

Old AND Wise tho. :D

There are allot worse things in soda than HFCS...aspartame for one. Very bad. About 4 years ago my smoking habit got up to 3 packs a day (again), and I was drinking about 3 pots of black coffee as well. After some input from my wife and kids about my habits I quit cold turkey and turned to diet coke to curb the cravings. I was drinking about a case a day of diet coke when my wife realized what I was doing and that's when I found out about the harmful effects of aspartame.

Now, I just drink unsweet iced tea and water.

Damn! A case a day? That will make your PH extremely acidic. Very unhealthy and will make you more succeptable to disease and illness. Good thing you quit. Tea is way better. Unsweet even better. Too much sugar is very bad for your immune system. ;)

Knowing all this is probably why I was just taken back from what I saw that night. Doesn't anyone else know this stuff? or do they just not care?
The thing that scares me more than HFCS is that aspertame which is significantly more harmful even short term is going under several new names now, including the lack of notation in just being categorized as artificial flavoring or sweetener.

These 'people' just want to Kill Us!:mad:

Or at the very least, genetically mutate our grandchildren's ability to reproduce.:mad:

Derrick, you should look into what this and GMO is doing and what it's already been proven to transmit generationally in rodents.