Hmmm...not sure I wanna be called a Redneck anymore...

Why is a suicide so hard to figure out in kalifornication? Because most there are illegals or brain dead, so what's the difference?:biggrin::eek:

Yee haw!!!

Save yur dixie cups, the south will rise agin!!! :biggrin:

At least Mexicans/illegals arent afraid to work!!! ;)
Knowing all this is probably why I was just taken back from what I saw that night. Doesn't anyone else know this stuff? or do they just not care?
I'm kind of a freak about feeding kids refined sugar. My daughter was diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes (which is different from Type-2) 5 years ago. One might think that 8 or 12 oz. of soda has "just a little" sugar, but it ain't so. I've seen how some seemingly innocent sweet treat can spike her blood sugar sky-high. Be kind to your pancreas, and your pancreas will be kind to you. :) I lost 30 pounds after high school just from severely limiting sodas, etc. and that was 25 years ago.

And giving caffeine to little kids - remember when they used to tell us it stunted our growth?
Wow, I learned some thing new today! and thought I was in the pf and I'm not, news to me. all opinion's still needed, easy guys.
When I posted this thread I was thinking more about caffeine for little kids and how soda makes your ph extemely acidic instead of alkaline. Lot of comments and good info about sugar and diabetes.

Lets put in perspective. Check this out. :eek:

How Much Sugar in Sodas and Beverages?
While just doing a goggle searching, it showed that 8 out of the top 10 states with the deadliest eating habits were non-southren states. Many poping off their mouth with the hillbilly comments trying to link it to the south, live in one of those top 8 poorest eating habit states. Now that's friggin funny.....
Top use of meth percentage by state population, us dumb ole hillbillies most be addicted to Mountain Dew instead. :biggrin:

State Percentage
Nevada 2.02
Montana 1.47
Wyoming 1.47
Idaho 1.24
Nebraska 1.24
Oregon 1.24
Arkansas 1.23
Arizona 1.22
New Mexico 1.16
California 1.13
North Dakota 1.13
South Dakota 1.12
Hawaii 1.09
Colorado 1.07
Iowa 1.07
Washington 1.03
Utah 0.94
Kansas 0.92
Missouri 0.91
Oklahoma 0.89
Minnesota 0.88
Many poping off their mouth with the hillbilly comments trying to link it to the south

The OP was saying that he is a hillbilly feeling bad for his fellow hillbillies. I don't think it was a statement made with anger.

Anyway, I've noticed the same thing about food in America since I've been here in Australia. Meat and produce are, for the most part, made within 30 miles of where I live. They treat their food much better here and the food industry is aware of the dangers of excessive steroid use and (questionable dangers of) genetic engineering. I have personally benefited from this by no longer being lactose intolerant like I was in the US. Believe me, I've been taking advantage of that too, I missed dairy. Don't get me wrong though, having better quality plants and animals is not all sunshine, you pay for it at the grocery store. Like at least 2-3 times as expensive here. And it goes bad really, really fast. I don't bother buying produce unless I know I'm going to use it in the next couple days or I might as well throw money away. Worth it to give up cable or a cell phone though to be able to eat better IMO.