Hospital release today!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2004
Our 24 yr old daughter just had a brain tumor removed on Wednesday, and she is coming home already today, Saturday. I am AMAZED at how seemingly minor it is to remove a brain tumor these days. I am very impressed with the professionalism of Swedish Hospital in Seattle. The doctor performs miracles every day. He has performed over 1500 brain tumor removals, and is still trying to improve his tradecraft.
Her tumor was benign (though we are still awaiting the pathology report.) They didn't even have to shave her head, which is very important to a girl that works in a spa. 47 stitches and a 2" square hole in her noggin, she still looks GREAT! She has some numbness on the left side of her body, but that should all go away as soon as the brain finishes swelling into the cavity left from the tumor. (Golf ball sized tumor). We took a walk down to the hospital Starbucks together this morning. (Hey! It's Seattle, we have Starbucks EVERYWHERE!) Unless you look closely, you wouldn't know she has a million stitches in her head. Other than manageable pain, and some lingering numbness on her left side, she is doing great. Thank God Obamacare is not yet in effect. Thanks for the numerous prayers and thoughts during her ordeal. We are on the downhill slide now. Good things DO happen to good people.:)
Thats great to hear, glad she is doing well and on the way to full recovery from that.
Hey Hey way to Go Ken, we are all so very happy for your daughter and your family.

The Blue Angels weren't the only Angels flying over her the last few weeks!

God Bless!

Good to hear! I just said a little prayer for both of you as nothing is worse than your child (no matter the age) being sick or injured.
Ken, everything happens for a reason. They found the tumor, it's benign, and she's doing well. GREAT to hear that!

I hope for a quick uneventful recovery! Give her our best.
Good news to here, Ken- turbofabricator!!

And wish the best for your family as well, John- GNVenom!!
Don't know you bud but 2 friends have had the same operation, they are both well years later. What drew attention to it? Headaches? Best wishes.