How to rid your yard of moles?


Jack's Smirking Revenge
May 24, 2001
My father in law's property has moles and he's tried several methods that did not work, pesticide spray and a pellet type that you put down in the hole...ive done a little research for him and found a couple other products...

sonic inserts that are suppose to vibrate the ground and drive them away, approx 35 bucks per 1/3 acre....

or traps...55 bucks for 5 traps that you put inline with their visable tunnels...i guess they are suppose to try to redig their tunnel and that triggers it killing them...

any insight from you guys on this???


ps, we also have carpender bee issues in the barn i store the GN in...any help here? best method we found so far was swatting/killing them with rakes...we got 20-30 of them this weekend but doesnt appear to have dented their numbers
Mole's are a pain in the A$$. I am a golf superintendent and this is what i do.

Stomp down there runs and wait till they move, and then stomp quickly in front and then in back when they move again.. They will not move untill you dig them out.

Then stab the crap out of them or they will come back. You could have multiple mole's who would use the same runs.

Good luck Sean
that sounds like i would have to be lucky enough to see them as they tear thru the yard....its a big yard! i dont know much about em but i would already have assumed there is more than one...
Tyler there is more then one i would put money on it. Real pain they will tear the sh!t out of the turf. They look for worm's,grubs etc.

Tyler also you got to be very still and quite. You know they don't have eyes, but feel anything vibrates the ground. Freaky animal.

I've always heard that you need to get rid of their food supply to make them move away. Do you have a serious grub problem? If so, getting rid of the grubs might force them to feed elsewhere.
GN1220 is right get some grub x and kill the grubs, If you still have moles then you still have grubs
Mole treatment

You need to use the following treatment with some type of grub control, do the treatment every 3-4 months. This treatment makes the soil taste bad to the moles.

1/4 cup castor oil (do not use Castrol motor oil)
2 Tablespoons of liquid detergent soap (Ivory soap works good)

Blend the two together in a blender (they won't mix properly otherwise)

Add 6 Tablespoons water.
Blend again.

Store this mix in a container till needed.

When you are ready to apply the solution to the area where the moles are active:

Mix 2 tablespoons of the solution into 1 gallon of water. Pour or spray it onto the problem area (all over the affected area, not just down the holes).
Originally posted by gn1220
I've always heard that you need to get rid of their food supply to make them move away. Do you have a serious grub problem? If so, getting rid of the grubs might force them to feed elsewhere.

Yeah that's exactly right. When I used to work in a lawn and garden center we always recommended people use Diazinon on their yards. That will take care of any grubs and without them the moles will leave.

The Grub Ex has worked well for me in the past. I would double the dose that they recommend. You will not burn the lawn. Get rid of the grubs and the moles will leave. Chase them over to your neighbors!
My friend is a wildlife control specialist and this is his site. He told me the only way to get rid og them is trap them. and go to moles.
Hope that helps you. He might be able to get you traps cheaper, just call him and tell him I sent you.
Tarey D.

You can start laughing any time and it won/t offend me as my neighbor did untill he tried this. Buy 1 or 2 packs of 17 pieces Juicy Fruit gum (IT MUST BE JUICY FRUIT). Find their runs. I use a large drift pin. Make a hole in the run large enough to drop a piece of gum in, then gently cover the hole. Before inserting the gum, remove the PAPER wrapper but leave the aluminum foil on. Using a utility knife, slit the aluminum long ways. They will eat the gum and wrapper but can not digest it. In about 3-4 days their activity will CEASE---they will CEASE!!! I have used this method for about 6 years. Lots of yards in Central In. have moles --not Leeo/s.
I DIDN'T have moles until I dug up the backyard and put down sod. My neighbor had lots of them and guess they migrated over to my lawn. Since I had to water the hell out of the lawn for the first few weeks after putting it in I guess they were after all the earthworms. I pulled up some of the sod to see if it was rooting and there were lots of worms under it.

THEN, I saw the tell-tale tunnels and just about died. Nothing like spending 3 grand on a lawn and see that. I felt like Bill Murray in Caddyshack. Tried one of those guillotine traps and they never touched it and then tried some spray thing that Lowes had and that didn't work either.

Sure tired of stomping down the tunnels so I don't lose my lawn.
did we not learn any thing from caddy shack?

a bit of C4 should clear that issue up :)

if C4 is out of your reach then try anomia nitrate and diesel fuel.:D
Kill the grubs and lose the moles.

Do you know any farmers? Lots of farmers use an insecticide called Force 3G. It's a restricted use pesticide so you probably can't buy it unless you have a license. It will smoke the grubs.
You only need 4.4 lbs per acre treated and is safe for pets and children. Stay away from insecticides that are made of organophosphate. Those will kill your pets.

Wanna kill rats and possums? Put out a dish of anitfreeze.

Bees? Shoot the nest with a CO2 fire extinguisher and dig the nest out when the stop moving and set it on FIRE!!!!!!!

farmer John
There is a cheep trap that you can buy ($10?) that has spikes in it, put it over thier run, and when they go back through it, the spike come down and kill the little pricks. If you dont kill them, they WILL come back