Looks like cam gear keyway issues paging kevinb

here is final assembly of nose


Looks *pretty*,but I hope that's not an Aluminum spacer I see in there?
BTW,Mike's dowel solution is the best,most bullet proof solution I've seen for this situation.
With a Steel spacer and dowels,you can't beat it.
That's my professional opinion based on 31 years experience as a machinist/fitter,not a bulletin board speculator.
Get it done.:cool:

I also went with a steel spacer from TA
Hopefully going in and running by sunday nite

On assembly before the Aluminum spacer was .005 thicker than the current steel spacer.
I added no end play shims on the firsrt go round and had.010 endplay
With the only change of a .005 shorter spacer on this assembly my endplay was .045.
that .030 difference .something was keeping it from pressing the assembly together properly
Bottom line it wasnt installed correctly

I ended up mocking this thing up at the machine shop many times .We modified the cam slot slightly just to refab a crank key so it ends up grabbing the entire surface of the cam gear rather than half.I dont really think this is all necessary if you just make damn sure it is assembled correctly.It was unreal I didnt take out a whole engine for a 2.00 keyway.Main thing is to make sure on assembly is that the cam nose and key are completely recessed behind the cam sensor gear so when you toqque it down it crushes the sleeve against the cam gear .With its done correctly the key has no real load similar to the crank gear.I am now in search for a .040 washer to get my end play within powersource specs of .004-.008
thanks to everyone.I also went with a steel spacer from TA
Hopefully going in and running by sunday nite

Any pics of the modded key slot and new key?

Good luck getting her going!